Top 5 Things to Know and What to Do When You Get Arrested

What to Do When You Get Arrested

What to Do When You Get ArrestedDo you know what to do when you get arrested?  What should you do? How should you act? There is a brief window of time when you get arrested that will impact your case going forward. You don’t want to say or do anything that will hinder your case or your lawyer’s options going forward. Here are a few things to think about so you what to do when you get arrested.

What to Do When You Get Arrested

The right to remain silent!

The first thing to do once an officer has placed you under arrest is be quiet.  This is when your Miranda rights attach and you should not offer up more information than is necessary. 

A lot of times officers are trained to try and open a dialogue with you while you are being transported to jail, do not be fooled.   A lot of times the cruisers are wired for sound and video, this means the things you say or the way your present yourself (i.e if you’re intoxicated) can be used against you in court. 

Be Polite and Comply

This is something of a hot topic right now. If you feel that you are being unlawfully detained and/or excessive force has been used against you, the arrest is not the time to try and fight back.  Answering force with force, or resisting an officer in the streets will usually only result in an escalation of force that can severely injure you and may result in additional criminal charges being filed.

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What To Do When You Get Pulled Over – 9 Ways Not to Get a Ticket

What To Do When You Get Pulled Over

What To Do When You Get Pulled OverThe flashing lights in the rearview mirror, the sinking feeling in the pit of your stomach, the sweaty palms and racing heartbeat, you got it…you’re getting pulled over. We’ve all been there before. But, what should you do when getting pulled over? Are there a few things that you can do to minimize your chances of getting a ticket?

Blue lights? Sirens? Do you know what to do when you get pulled over? Here's how to not get a ticket.Click To Tweet

What To Do When You Get Pulled Over

Do you know what to do when you get pulled over? Here’s a list of things that you can do to maximize your chances of getting a warning and not get a ticket.

Slow down and try to turn

Get over to your right and slow down. Turn on your signal and look for a place to turn into. 

Select a safe place to stop

It is ideal if you can find a place that looks secure for yourself and the officer.  Look for a place where you can get out of traffic, that is well lit and that is safe for the officer to get out of his/her vehicle. 

Think about safety for everyone

What To Do When You Get Pulled OverTry to position your car somewhere that reassures the officer that you will not speed off. A parking spot with a median or block in front of you, behind another car, or other obstruction may be good choices. You also want to consider

You also want to consider the safety of the officer and your car. It may be a safer choice to pull over on the left side of an interstate for example if there’s ample room. 

You can also slow down, turn on a turn signal, and drive to a safer area if possible. You see drivers doing this in a busy urban area quite often.

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Why You Should Never Say You Are Sorry After a Car Accident

Why You Should Never Say You Are Sorry After a Car Accident

The noise, confusion, and sudden burst of adrenaline can be very disorienting when you have just gotten into an automobile accident.  Checking yourself and other passengers for injuries, seeing the damage done to your car, and seeing the damage done to another vehicle or person. You’ve got to speak to the other driver.  What do you say?  He or she is obviously going to be just as shaken up as you are.  We have all been raised to be polite and admit to our mistakes. This is something our mothers always told us, right?  To family members, yes! But, on the street to another motorist in an accident? Do not ever, ever, say you are sorry for a car accident. … Read more

How to Sue Someone in Small Claims Court

How to Sue Someone in Small Claims Court

How to Sue Someone in Small Claims CourtDo you know how to sue someone in small claims court? It may not be as hard or as intimidating as you might think. Small claims court is truly the people’s court and can give everyday folks the opportunity to settle smaller disputes with lower costs and finality.  

How to Sue Someone in Small Claims Court

Here are five things that you need to know about how to sue someone in small claims court.

Figure out who you are suing

Is the person you are suing a person (a heartbeat), or is it a small business.  If so is it an LLC, S-Corp, or partnership, a large corporation, or a governmental entity.  Depending on you who sue, make sure you are properly get their full legal name of the person and/or the entity.  Doing this incorrectly may result in your suit being dismissed. Get your credit and finances on track with Lex OnTrack

Know your limits

Small claims court have jurisdictional amounts, this varies in all 50 states but is typically under $10,000.00.

Know the subject matter of your suit

Small claims usually settle small monetary disputes, you can also sue for ejectment as a landlord in cases of landlord-tenant cases.  Breach of contract, trespass, damage to chattels (property) are common issues taken up by small claims court.

Stay organized

To have the best chance to prevail in any court you have to have evidence.  Provide any and all documents, physical evidence and testimony that you think may be helpful to your case.  Organize your testimony into several questions that directly address the points you want to make.

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