Got Cluster Mailboxes? Who’s Responsible? Here’s What You Need to Know

Receive your mail at a cluster mailbox, you soon could be.

Door-to-door mail delivery is likely coming to an end in the United States. If you don’t already receive your mail at a cluster mailbox, you soon could be. But, who is responsible for cluster mailboxes? These centralized, communal mailboxes that serve entire subdivisions, streets, or neighborhoods are already familiar to many apartment dwellers, who have long been accustomed to picking up their mail from a box in their building’s lobby. If you live in a subdivision built since the 1980s, you may also be familiar with cluster boxes, since the USPS stopped allowing to-the-door delivery for new homes in that decade. Earth Class Mail is the best way to manage your postal mail. Sign up today! Door-to-door delivery is the … Read more