The Simple Answers to Investing You Need to Know

Investing with Behavioral Finance

Are you having trouble making a decision when it comes to investing? Do you find yourself overthinking your options of what investment or which investment company to choose and then unable to make a choice? In this article, we will provide some insight into why we tend to over-analyze and not accept the simple answers to investing that come to us, and how to get past it. We have all heard countless times that it’s important to plan your finances in order to achieve your goals. However, having a plan does not matter if no action is taken afterward. A recent study by the ANBIMA (Brazilian Financial and Capital Markets Association) provides some insight into how our approaches to planning … Read more

Stop Missing Out On Your Biggest Investment: Yourself

Your Biggest Investment: Yourself

Getting the best out of your finances also means knowing how to make the best use of the assets at your disposal. You can make more money from your home, save more on your car, and make better investments with your existing wealth. But don’t forget the biggest asset of them all: yourself. You might not get rich from your career alone, but you can drastically increase the amount of money you’re able to put towards further investment if you work on the asset that you will never lose, sell, or have stolen. It’s time to work on your investment potential. Keep building your expertise First of all, let’s take a look at what really launches you into a new … Read more

Incredible Investments – Three Places to Put Your Money This Year

Whether you have a little money saved or a lot, investing it in a smart way could mean you multiply your cash without too much hard work involved. Even high-interest bank accounts don’t pay that much back, so if you’re looking for a way to grow your money then this is a good way to go about it. Be aware though, with any type of investment, there’s always some risk involved and so you should only use money that’s not already accounted for. You don’t want to lose your home or not be able to pay your mortgage or bills if things don’t go your way. Here are some ideas. Bitcoin Bitcoin is a hot topic at the moment, you … Read more

What Happens if You Don’t Pay Your Debts

Should you invest or pay off debt?

Many people go for credit to sort emergencies and situations that cannot be avoided. Others get loans to finance their businesses with a promise to repay within a specified period of time. However, things happen that are beyond your control that make repayment impossible. Defaulting your loan, credit card, or even utility payments could see you rub shoulders with debt collection agencies, and this could mean a number of things. You need to understand the consequences of defaulting a loan so you can prepare well while taking one. Your Credit Report Is Impacted One of the things you don’t want to mess with is your credit score, which will determine if you will get a loan approved by other lenders … Read more

Why We Hate Salespeople – One Hurdle People in Sales Need to Overcome

How Clients Buy

The following is a guest post by Tom McMakin is the author of “How Clients Buy” (Wiley, 2017) and the CEO of Profitable Ideas Exchange (PIE). If you’d like to contribute a guest post to Money Q&A, be sure to check out our guest posting guidelines. A woman with a fuchsia jacket and large hoop earrings works to upsell us. “Are you interested in the cold-weather package and undercarriage protection.” A guy at the mall jewelry store with pants that hang impossibly low peers over the counter and says, “We find a good rule of thumb is three months’ salary on an engagement ring. Not sure what you make, but I wanted to show you this $15,000 princess cut.” Most of … Read more

Top 6 Questions Everyone Should Ask Before Getting Engaged

People getting a divorce

If you Google “money and marriage,” most of the top results are articles and studies that offer desperate couples advice on reducing arguments and full-blown fights over financial issues. Money is a touchy subject for so many people, and for a relationship on track to marriage, money is a particularly important topic as you get closer to combining incomes, assets, expenses, debts, and tax filings. Here’s what you need to know before you get engaged. Crucial Questions to Ask Before You Get Engaged If you’re on the verge of proposing to your current partner (or expecting a proposal in the near future), here are some questions to ask each other before popping the question. 1. How much debt do we … Read more