Top 5 Alternative Investment Instruments

Trading or Investing?

An investment is defined as the action of investing money for profit. It goes without saying that sticking your money under the mattress won’t do you any favors. For one thing, if the house burns down, it’s gone, and for another, your money won’t grow in value. Thankfully, most people recognize the value of investing their money. Traditional savings accounts and pension plans are sensible investment instruments but don’t expect to earn a ton of money in a short time. If you want to make your savings work a bit harder, here are some interesting ideas. Equities When you invest in equities, you are buying a stake in a business. Essentially, you become a shareholder in that business. If you … Read more

How to Build Credit After Bankruptcy

Building Your Credit History

Filing for either Chapter 7 or 13 bankruptcy might seem like taking the monkey off your back. Once you do, the pain of a low credit score sets in. Low credit scores are diabolical in how they block you from owning a new car or affording proper housing. But, there’s no good in punishing yourself. Now is the time to get determined to build credit after bankruptcy. Those who file for Chapter 7 will notice an immediate reduction in their debt-to-income ratio. Chapter 13 applicants can refinance after 18 months, and they have home equity. Use those periods to rebuild your credit score. Aim for 650 or above, and you’ll be back to normal in no time. Listed below are … Read more

The Basics of Short Selling – Learn How to Sell Stocks Short

Top 5 Website for Stock Market Quotes

Short selling is a way to buy and trade within the stock market that many find success with. However, short selling is not an easy thing to do, and it is important to understand exactly how short selling works, what the restrictions are on short selling and the risks involved in short selling stocks. By understanding the basics of short selling, you can better prepare yourself and develop a strategy that is successful. How to Short a Stock Short selling can be a great way to profit on trends in the stock market. To help you understand more about short selling, the following is a guide to the basics of short selling. What Is Short Selling? Short selling is a … Read more

Emergency Cash – How Your Jewelry Can Save Your Life

There are many different things that you will need in an emergency, such as water, food, first-aid, and other, similar life-saving, or life-sustaining items. All of them are important, but what about the times when you need more transactional items? For that you need money, but you may not be in a position to acquire the money you need, maybe you are stuck in a place that doesn’t accept the currency you have on you; there are dozens of scenarios where you might be in a position where you don’t have any money or where your money is no good. How Jewelry Can Help If You Need Emergency Cash That is where your jewelry can help to pull you out … Read more

Common Questions About the Divorce Court Appeals Process

People getting a divorce

If you have recently had a ruling made by a trial judge for your divorce. In most cases, both parties agree that this is the final outcome and move on. However, if you believe that there was an error in the ruling, you may want to consider your options for filing an appeal against the rulings. It is important that you understand a few important things about the divorce appeals process before deciding if it is the correct decision for you to make. Below is a list of common questions about the divorce appeals process. In addition to reviewing these questions, be sure to discuss your possible appeal with a Schaumburg Illinois divorce lawyer to ensure that you are making … Read more

Retired? Here Are 5 Smart Ways to Make Money on the Side

Ways for Pet Lovers to Make Money

If you are retired, you can attest that money is the commodity that you want most but cannot get easily. Begging your relatives and kids to fund your activities are not alternatives you want to turn to. Top 5 Smart Ways Retirees Can Make Money on the Side Lucky for you, there are many fun and easy ways to make money while at home. Here are 5 smart ways to make money on the side once you retire… Take care of pets Regardless of where you live, you will discover that some pet-owning neighbors travel from time for leisure or work purposes. Instead of letting these neighbors leave their companions in pet stores, how about opting to take care of … Read more