Why You Cannot Sue Your Neighbor or Insurance for an Act Of God

You May Need Vacant Home Insurance

An act of God, believe it or not, is a legal term describing events outside human control, such as floods or other natural disasters, for which no one can be held accountable for themself. In contract law, an act of God may be interpreted as implied deference under the rule of impossibility. If that is the case, whatever contractual promise was made is discharged because you cannot sue for an act of God, which would result in unavoidable or insurmountable delay or expense. Why You Cannot Sue for Damages from an Act of God Since this act was unforeseen and caused unavoidable or insurmountable damage, you generally cannot sue for damages that come as a result. Take, for example, a … Read more

Ethos Life Insurance Review – Fast Approval of Term Life Insurance

What would happen to your family members if you passed away unexpectedly? This is one of the most-dreaded questions any adult could hear, but it’s also one of the most important questions to consider because doing nothing could leave your family on the hook for tens of thousands of dollars (if not more) for medical expenses, debt repayments and funeral costs if they’re dependent on your income in any way. Life insurance is the most common preventive measure against the severe financial consequences associated with losing one or more income-earners in a family. Not all life insurance is created equally, however, and not all life insurance companies provide the same quality of coverage and customer service. For instance, Ethos Life … Read more

Why College Students Need Renters Insurance

Renting with Poor Credit

Renters insurance is essential for anyone who does not own a home. Renters insurance is actually a misnomer. It really should be thought of as personal property insurance since it is designed to insure your personal possessions and not just for renters. It can apply to a wide range of other people, such as college students, storage unit owners, and many others. Since college students typically rent an apartment or live in a dorm room, renters insurance can be a valuable asset for them to have. Renters insurance will protect the assets they have. And, since replacement costs for lost, stolen, or destroyed items can be tough when you have a low income, renter’s insurance can help protect you and … Read more

Why You Need Umbrella Insurance

Why You Need Umbrella Insurance

I’m scared to death of getting sued. We now live in a litigious society where everyone is very quick to sue anyone for almost anything. The potential damage to your personal finances after getting sued, even if you win the case, can be devastating. Oftentimes, your insurance company will settle a case for you, but you could quickly find your rates rising or your coverage being canceled altogether. There is one way to protect yourself from a potential lawsuit swamping your liability coverages on your insurance policies and reaching into your own pockets for the rest. Everyone should consider purchasing umbrella insurance to protect themselves and their families. Your Current Liability Coverage Is Too Small Most car insurance policies and homeowner’s … Read more

Should You Rely on Employer-Provided Life Insurance?

Who wants to think about their own mortality when you just got a new job with an exciting company and things are looking up for your career? To be fair, most people would prefer to never think about when they might die and what would happen to their loved ones if it happened earlier than anticipated. However, confronting the reality that humans simply don’t live forever is an unfortunate part of life, especially when you have financial considerations to make, such as deciding on a new life insurance policy. If you don’t currently have your own life insurance plan and your employer offers free coverage, why wouldn’t you want to take advantage of that amazing offer? Free insurance and financial … Read more

How to Prepare Your Finances and Home for Hurricane Season

How To Prepare Your Finances And Home For Hurricane Season

The Atlantic hurricane season runs from June through November. August and September see the worst of hurricane season. According to the Weather Channel, August sees more than three times the number of storms as July, and it keeps building in September. September is the peak time of the year for hurricane season in the United States. And, most insurance companies require you to have homeowner’s, renter’s, or flood insurance for at least 30 days before your coverage kicks in and you can make a claim. So, now is the time to look at your home and insurance and prepare your finances for hurricane season. I grew up in Charleston, South Carolina. I lived through Hurricane Hugo in 1989 that ripped … Read more