Is a Six-Figure Salary Really a Gamechanger?

The following is a guest post by Tracy Timm. Tracy Timm is the founder of The Nth Degree® Career Academy and the author of “Unstoppable: Discover Your True Value, Define Your Genius Zone, and Drive Your Dream Career“. If you’d like to contribute a guest post like this one about earning a six-figure salary to Money Q&A, be sure to check out our Guest Posting Guidelines. If you’re honest with yourself, I bet you have this as a career goal in the back of your mind. There’s just something about reaching a $100k+ salary that sounds like you’ve “made it,” right? At some point, the phrase “six-figures” became synonymous with professional success. You might call it The Holy Grail of … Read more

What Is Compound Interest and Why You Need It?

When it comes to loans and deposits, there are only two types of interests applied; simple and compound. The type of interest applied depends on the interest rate offered by the lender in most cases. Calculating interest is one of the most confusing tasks, but only in the case of compound interest. Simple interest is quite straightforward and easy to calculate. Compound interest is where individuals tend to get confused, which is why an online compound interest calculator comes in handy. But before you go ahead and start calculating, it is best that you first understand what it is, why businesses use it, and how it is calculated. So let us go ahead and answer all these questions in detail. … Read more

Different Ways to Invest Outside of the Stock Market

When it comes to investing, stocks are certainly one of the most popular types. However, with high-risk and complicated procedures, it’s understandably not for everyone. If you’re looking for another way to grow your finances, then keep on reading! In this article, we are going to take a look at different ways to invest outside of the stock market. Real estate While real estate might require a higher amount of savings for start-up, it’s one investment type that can certainly generate a high yield of profit. Most investors start with a rental property, but you can also consider renovating and reselling a property for a higher value. Compared to other types, it’s a great long-term solution and isn’t as risky … Read more

What to Look for Next Week in the Markets

stock market

Disclaimer – You should not consider this as professional stock market and stock picking advice. Every investor should do their own research before investing. If you don’t feel comfortable investing in the stock market, you should seek out the help and advice of a certified professional. The following is a guest post by Dan Charles is a professional trader/investor, Portfolio manager, and trading software developer. To learn more about him check out If you’d like to guest post on Money Q&A, check out our guest posting guidelines. As a professional stock trader, it is important to be able to recognize the various trends on a daily basis and then formulate a plan to benefit. In this article, I will … Read more

Should You Upgrade to a Bigger Home? 3 Considerations for Buyers

When the pandemic first hit, it became obvious how much we rely on our homes and – how essential it is to have a comfortable, safe space where you can look after your wellbeing. And today, given that the consequences of the pandemic are not giving signs to be leaving soon, you might be considering an upgrade for your current family home. While it will naturally involve a significant investment, it can represent a smart financial move and bless you with enough space for a happier life. Follow the checklist below to decide whether this is the solution for you.  You Might Need a Home Office Fuelled by the pandemic and its consequences, remote working is one of the fastest-growing … Read more

Guide to Investing in Your 30s – What You Need to Know


Everyone matures at their own pace, but generally speaking, your 30s are a time when you’re no longer spending money as frivolously as you did when you were younger and you’re starting to get really serious about how you want to map out and pursue your financial goals for the rest of your life. You need to learn about investing in your 30s. Whereas 20-somethings are still figuring out who they are and what they want to do in the future, a 30-something is likely established in their career, ready to start (or already started) a family, considering the possibility of buying a home (primary residence or rental property, if you already have the first one), and is getting serious … Read more