Creating a Love Affair with Money

The following is a guest post by Christy Whitman, the author of “Quantum Success: 7 Essential Laws for a Thriving, Joyful, and Prosperous Relationship with Work and Money“. If you’d like to contribute a guest post to Money Q&A, please check out the site’s guest posting guidelines.

Creating a Love Affair with MoneyTake a moment to think about all of the people, places and things that are currently a part of your life experience: your friends and loved ones; your job; your home; your belongings… and now consider the fact that long before any of these things came into being in your visible, physical, manifested world, they existed in the invisible realm of pure potentiality.

Everything that you have become, and all of the circumstances that now define your life, began as an idea which coalesced into a thought.  And as your desire to experience these things became stronger and more defined, energy, ideas, and resources gathered around it until eventually, they manifested in a tangible way.

Although you may not have been aware of it, you actually had an energetic relationship with all of the people you now know, all of the things you now own, and all of the circumstances you now find yourself in – long before they were “real” enough to be perceived with any of your five senses. Energetic relationships always precede physical relationships, and the energy that is stirred within us as we regard each important area of our life is ultimately reflected back to us as the results we create – or don’t create – in each area. 

And now, turn your attention to the quality of the energy that is evoked within you when you focus on your relationship with money.  Does it flow easily into your life, or is there a sense of having to work hard, or of sacrifice or struggle?  How about the dominant emotions you usually experience when you think about money? 

Do they lean in the direction of feelings of gratitude, awe, ease, and abundance?  Or are they more along the lines of frustration, anxiety, jealousy, or powerlessness? Do you feel deep down that you will always have enough and that your needs are always being taken care of, or is your experience most of the time that no matter how much you have, it will never be enough?

In other words, are you having a passionate, thriving, expansive love affair with money, or is your relationship on the rocks?  The quality of the relationship you are creating with money is determined by the most dominant thoughts and beliefs you hold about it; by the words you speak when you talk about it, by the choices you make in relation to it, and – most importantly – by the way that you feel about it in the privacy of your own heart and mind.  

To increase the flow of abundance in any part of your life, simply begin to notice, appreciate, and feel the ways in which you already are abundant.   It’s not necessary to literally count your blessings; just acknowledge them and breathe them in.  Focus on the beautiful inner relationship you are creating with the green energy of money by appreciating the ways it flows in and out of your life experience – just like the air you breathe.  What you focus on expands, and what you appreciate, appreciates and becomes more.      

Every relationship exists in a continual process of becoming, which is to say that in every moment you have the power to make your experience of them even more fulfilling and beautiful. All that is necessary to reinvent your relationship with money is to place more of your attention on the presence of it than on its absence. Appreciate the energy of abundance that manifests in your life daily in the form of love, vitality, curiosity, and joy, and you will attract an abundance of all things – including the green stuff! 

Christy Whitman is a transformational leader and the New York Times bestselling author of The Art of Having It All and co-author of Taming Your Alpha Bitch. She has appeared on Today and The Morning Show, and her work has been featured in People, SeventeenWoman’s DayHollywood Life, and Teen Vogue, among others. As the CEO and founder of the Quantum Success Coaching Academy, Christy has helped thousands of people worldwide to achieve their goals through her empowerment seminars, speeches, coaching sessions, and products. Christy Whitman is the author of the upcoming book, “Quantum Success: 7 Essential Laws for a Thriving, Joyful, and Prosperous Relationship with Work and Money“.

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