8 Tips for Maximizing Compensation in a Personal Injury Case

Car Accident

Getting injured in today’s world can spell financial ruin for most workplace accident victims, but stacking medical bills and evaporating career potential doesn’t have to be an unpreventable financial wound. With the help of a personal injury attorney, like those from Schwartzapfel Lawyers, you can conquer these turbulent times without missing a beat. In addition to being master negotiators, these legal professionals can help you maximize compensation and grant you peace of mind in the face of debilitating injuries. 

While leaning on legal experts will help you score faster compensation and build a rock-solid case, you’ll need to do your due diligence to minimize missteps. Before filing your personal injury case, there are eight tips and tricks to help you maximize the payout and cushion the financial blow. 

Preserve the evidence

Make sure to take pictures at the scene of the incident. Document the place the accident occurred, collect any usable evidence and record any identifying information such as license plate numbers. The jury will reach a final verdict based on the evidence collected, so do your part to record video footage and collect photo evidence of faulty equipment, outdated protective gear, etc. For best results, try to acquire witness testimonies if there were bystanders within earshot. That way, it won’t be your word against your employers. 

Get immediate medical treatment.

If you get hurt, get help. Any time that has lapsed between being injured and having medical staff record your injuries can be used to cast doubt on your claim. Evidence that you sought treatment immediately can directly help maximize compensation in personal injury cases.

Evaluate your claim fully

Compile all of the evidence you have at your disposal. Preserve evidence in the form of pictures and educate yourself on any codes or regulations, as well as the companies general liability insurance that applies to your claim. 

The burden of proof is on the defendant to prove their case, so the jury will decide based on what you bring them. In a word, read up on everything the offending party did wrong so you can prepare yourself to present your case.

Do not be too eager

Wait until after the medical treatment is complete and you receive the bill to file charges. Furthermore, follow any treatment plan a doctor gives you to the letter. If a jury suspects that you deliberately injured yourself to get money from a company, they will throw your case out. Experts like Schwartzapfel Lawyers can advise you on how to conduct yourself through this process.

The laws surrounding personal injury lawsuits are designed to hold companies responsible for negligent behavior. If you present your case as compensation for a company’s negligence, you will be much more successful. A big part of that is waiting until you have completed treatment.

Explain why the initial offer is too low

Because you’ll want to haggle over the price of the settlement, consider waiting until you have completed any treatment prescribed by a medical professional. If you can show the full extent of the injuries sustained, you can easily ask for a higher settlement.

Keep future damages in mind

Consider future expenses caused by the injury, i.e., lost wages from taking time off for a hospital stay to added transportation costs if your driving ability is impaired. 

Don’t wait too long.

While waiting until you complete treatment will serve your best interests, be sure not to delay the process so long that the validity of the case is questioned or that a statute of limitation is reached. Striking while the iron is hot, so to speak, is another way to maximize compensation in personal injury cases.

Make the right impression.

For better or worse, jury cases often take likeability into account when reaching a verdict. Make yourself out to be an innocent individual hurt by a careless and heartless company hiding behind their lawyers. If the jury likes you, the case will likely go in your favor.

Before you go

With work-related incidents increasing in the workplace, it’s essential to consider the previous steps in order to maximize compensation in a personal injury case. By perfecting your timing, providing evidence, and making the right impression, you can soften the financial burden of a personal injury.

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