Why Facebook And Social Media May Be Ruining Your Career

Why Facebook And Social Media May Be Ruining Your Career

Why Facebook And Social Media May Be Ruining Your CareerSome estimates say that almost half of all Facebook users age 18 to 34 check their Facebook accounts right when they wake up in the morning. Over a quarter even check their friends’ statuses before they get out of bed. Twitter addiction isn’t much better. One study says that over 20% of Twitter users use their accounts as their only means to find out the morning news.

Why Social Media May Be Ruining Your Career

While there is a growing explosion of the use of social media and its addictive properties, there is a danger to its overuse as well. American workers and companies are feeling the wrath of overuse and unhealthy social media use during company time. It can be detrimental to your career as well which has the potential to impact your wallet.

40% of Generation Y worker would rather have social media access at work instead of a higher salary!Click To Tweet

You Are Not Working

Believe it or not, but your employer hired you to work. They didn’t hire you to update your Facebook status. While you are playing around on the internet and on different social media websites either on your work computer or your smart phone, you are not working or earning a profit for your employer’s business.

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How To Break Your Addiction To Infomercials And Buying Stuff!

Are you addicted to infomercials?

Are you addicted to infomercials?I normally do not write much about my personal life here on Money Q&A. A part of me thinks that you really don’t care about it, and I don’t really blame you. I’m not one to tell you how I overcame a mountain of credit card debt after college like everyone else or bore you with tweets about what I had for breakfast this morning.

There are tons of other great personal finance blogs out there where you can follow the saga of people and their lives. I’m just not that into it, and you don’t see much of it here. But, I thought that I would break my own rule a little bit and share with you a little inside information. I’m addicted to buying things off of infomercials on late night television.

There…I have said it. And, now everyone knows a little bit more about me. But, I wanted to share with you how I kicked the habit of buying Snuggies, Magic Bullet blenders, and wholesale lot knife sets from the Home Shopping Network (my college roommate and I would have made a fortune reselling if we didn’t keep them all for ourselves).

Five Ways To Break Your Addiction to Infomercials

Stop Watching Television

I’m a huge Gary Vaynerchuk fan. One of the first videos I saw of him on YouTube was a speech that Gary Vaynerchuk gave at the Web 2.0 Expo (caution…a few curse words). In the middle of his presentation, he talks about how you can get ahead in life and in business.

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