How To Invest In The Dogs Of The Dow

How To Invest In The Dogs Of The Dow

How To Invest In The Dogs Of The DowHow to invest in Dogs of the Dow is simple. Rookies to the stock market know that there are certain people who succeed. They’re the ones with a plan. They have a strategy. That’s where the Dogs of the Dow investing strategy comes in.

People are intimidated by investing in the stock market. They often make it more complicated than it needs to be. The Dogs Of The Dow investing strategy is simple. Anyone could understand it. Yet, it has effectively made money for a lot of people.

How To Invest In The Dogs Of The Dow

Highest Dividend Yield

The Dogs Of The Dow investing strategy is based on the company with the highest dividend yield.

When you’re investing with the Dogs Of The Dow investing strategy, you will be putting your money in the top ten of the dog list, instead of the complete Dow Jones Industrial Average list of 30 companies.

An Equal Amount In Dogs Of The Dow

Instead of putting a larger sum of money in a company that earns the most or has the highest growth rate, you will put in the same amount money in the ten stocks in the Dow Jones with the highest dividend yield. These often are the stocks that have the lowest share price.

Each investment should be equal in each company no matter their rating or the share price of the “dog”. Of course, you should make sure your equal shares are only within the top ten for highest dividend yield.

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