What Is Insider Buying? How Investors Can Make Money Spotting Insider Buying

stock investing

Insider buying is when a director, officer, or executive buys shares in a corporation they work for. It’s not insider trading which refers to corporate insiders making illegal stock purchases based on non-public information. Investors can spot insider buying by looking for directors, officers, or executives who have recently bought shares in the company they work for and use this information to decide whether to invest in that company as well. When people with insider knowledge buy stocks themselves, it means that they believe the company has potential and would be worth investing in at some point down the line. You can find the latest insider trades from company executives by looking at SEC Form 4 filings. For example, if … Read more

Don’t Miss These Top 4 Stock Metrics You Need To Know When Picking Stocks

How to Find Undervalued Stocks

Do you know how to find undervalued stocks? Do you have trouble finding which individual stocks you should target to buy? Many investors struggle with finding stocks are a good value that they should invest in. How do you wade through the thousands of companies and their stocks to find the diamond in the rough? Here are the top four simple stock metrics that you need to know when evaluating stocks to buy. You can use a company’s Price To Earnings Ratio (P/E Ratio) in order to found out if it is cheap relative to the company’s peers and then subsequently how much the stock should be worth. A company’s dividend growth rate can help you to found out approximately … Read more