What Is A Stock Split? And Should You Trade Before One?

What Is A Stock Split?

get in on the hottest iposA stock split is a tactical decision and action made by any publicly traded company’s board of directors that increases the number of existing shares by splitting or dividing the shares into more shares.

What Is A Stock Split?

At first glance, it is a positive thing to investors and stock shareholders since their number of shares owned will increase. But, in reality, a stock split is not a value adding event. It doesn’t detract the value either.

A stock split is just an accounting sleight of hand that increases the number of shares while maintaining the same overall value. The underlying value of a shareholder’s share is not changed at all by a stock split.

Nevertheless, a stock split is usually conducted at a time where the value of certain shares become way too high for new investors or are convincingly higher than other similar companies’ stock share prices.

This way, anyone who wishes to buy shares from a company is able to do so at lower costs since each share’s value is divided in certain multiples.

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Why Do Companies Carry So Much Cash On Their Balance Sheets?

A balance sheet of a company is where records of how much money the company has, how much debt it owes, and what is the remaining amount for the stockholders. It is a financial statement that lets investors know where the company stands with its financial accounts. If you want to keep track of how well the company you have invested in is doing and if they are in good status, you might want to check out those companies’ balance sheets. How Balance Sheets Are Constructed But if you are new to looking at these things, it is important to know something about balance sheets. The first thing you will see and notice in a balance sheet is the asset … Read more

What Is Dollar Cost Averaging? – Advantages and Drawbacks

What Is Dollar Cost Averaging?

Dollar cost averaging is a well established, tested, and extremely reliable approach to accumulate wealth.   An investor who wants to put a lump sum of money into the stock market or mutual funds is wise to invest the money over a period of time in equal installments in order to avoid the devastating effect of a drop in the stock or mutual fund’s share price immediately after investing a single, lump-sum investment. What Is Dollar Cost Averaging? Dollar cost average, or DCA, involves buying the same dollar amount of an investment at regular intervals over the course of a set period of time. In doing so, the investor will purchase more shares of an investment when the share price … Read more