Whether you’re a seasoned pro or just getting started in investing, the world of investments isn’t limited to just the usual assortment of stocks, bonds, and mutual funds. In fact, there are many strange investment options that you might not have considered. Many people are flocking to add them to their investment portfolios.
Unusual Things to Invest In
Here’s a glimpse at five of these unusual options that you might want to consider as well.
As Bitcoin continues to rise in value, you’ve probably heard a lot about it in the news lately. Virtual currencies seem complicated for even the most experienced investors. They’re still relatively newer types of investments that few people truly understand.
If you get started with cryptocurrencies, your first step is to decide which type of virtual currency you should invest in. Maybe you are considering classic bitcoin or you are thinking to buy xrp, it is important to analyze properly. Since 2011, several different ones have entered the market, challenging Bitcoin’s previous standing as one of the only virtual currencies in existence.
Today, you can invest in cryptocurrencies ranging from well-known types like Bitcoin, Ethereum, and Ripple, to lesser-known currencies like SwiftCoin, Dash, and Zcash. You can buy digital currency on platforms like Coinbase, though other platforms are likely to come out in the future.

Artificial Intelligence
The future is ripe with opportunities for artificial intelligence, both as an investment option and product for businesses and consumers. Artificial intelligence includes automation technologies, autonomous vehicles, 3D printing, natural language processing, robotic technologies, and many more. Since it’s a relatively newer, rapidly expanding industry, artificial intelligence could be a great opportunity for tech-savvy investors.
To get started investing in artificial intelligence, it’s crucial that you understand the current state of the market. Like any investments in the technology sector, there will be some winners and many more losers. As such, beginning investors should approach artificial intelligence with great caution and scour through lists of AI ETFs before plunging in.
Crowdfunded Media
Investing in media such as news organizations and movies might seem like a bad idea. Newspapers and other media groups’ profit margins have been hit hard over the past couple of years. However, there still exist many viable opportunities to invest in media.
For instance, the platform Wefunder allows you to invest as little as $100 in projects like movies. Participants get returns on their investments based on the movie’s sales upon release. It is certainly a waiting process to see if/when/how much you get back on your investment, but it’s still worth considering. After all, movies and media aren’t likely to disappear from the marketplace any time soon.
Crowdfunded journalism is also on the rise, despite some setbacks along the way. Some platforms offer minimal benefits for investors beyond promoting investigative journalism and contributing to a better-informed public. But, crowdfunded journalism is nevertheless a popular option. After all, Kickstarter reportedly raised $1.7 million for journalism projects in the first nine months of 2015 alone.
Again, this is not a guaranteed investment. Previous rising stars like Spot.us and Beacon have since shut down. However, Nieman Reports predicted there is still a future for crowdfunded journalism.
Wine Funds
For all the media hype about Millennial consumers “killing” the wine industry, investing in wine might still be a viable option for folks interested in adding unique investments to their portfolios. In terms of asset classes, wine is similar to investing in art. The most sought-after vintages tend to be the best investments, according to experts.
To learn more about investing in wine and tracking wine marketing, the London International Vintners Exchange is the best place to start studying.
You can also invest in “wine funds” such as the Wine Investment Fund, which is based in the UK and invests in fine wines from around the world. On a smaller scale, investing in individual wine bottles is also a possibility. Although, this is only for folks who have the experience and knowledge to be able to predict which wines might appreciate the most over time.
“Cash Cows”
Did you know that you can invest in cows without being a farmer? On the Chicago Mercantile Exchange, you can invest in feeder cattle and live cattle futures during various months throughout the year. Other livestock investments include horses and pigs. This may seem like odd additions to an investment portfolio, but just like any other commodity investment, there is an opportunity to make decent returns on your livestock’s future investments.
It’s important to keep in mind factors such as weather patterns when investing in livestock. Extreme conditions like heat or natural disasters in agricultural regions can impact profit margins.
Newer types of investments are always inherently riskier than mutual funds and bonds, but that doesn’t mean you should avoid them altogether. For instance, in 2009, someone offered 10,000 bitcoins to anyone who would buy him two pizzas. At the time, this was worth about $60. However, at the current market value, those two pizzas would have been worth about $100 million! This is obviously an exemplary case. But, the fact remains that putting money into these new and unusual investments could be worth significantly more over time.
If you’re looking for places to keep your accounts, you might want to check out investing with Betterment or Stash Invest.