What Are NFTs? And Should You Invest In Non-Fungible Tokens?

non-fungible token

Innovation online continues to expand at a faster rate than many of us are able to keep up with. If you’re still struggling to figure out what TikTok is, then you’ll definitely feel lost at the latest online buzzword: NFT. But, what are NTFs? what are NTFs, also known as a non-fungible token? There is a lot of controversy surrounding these digital assets, with some being valued at over one million dollars. There’s a lot to understand, so read on and we’ll walk you through the basics. What are NTFs? As we mentioned, NFT stands for non-fungible token. But you likely don’t know exactly what that means either. Fungible refers to assets that can be switched out for something of … Read more

Disasters that Could Bring Down Your Entire Business

Business leaders don’t like to think about the disasters that could befall their enterprises. But they should. Catastrophes aren’t just a small risk in the background, but a set of circumstances that impact most companies at some point during their lifetimes. Just look at what’s happened during the recent pandemic. Practically every business was hit hard.  Disasters that Could Bring Down Your Business In this post, we’re going to discuss some of the common disasters that bring down businesses so you can start preparing now to avoid them.  You Get Sued Our litigious culture means that every business needs liability insurance. Without it, you could have to stump up the entire cost of compensation for somebody who hurts themselves on … Read more

Bitcoin and Taxes

With Bitcoin, it can be easy to accidentally run afoul of the IRS, so it’s important to learn the rules. Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies that buy, sell, mine, or use to pay for things can be taxable. If you are paid in cryptocurrency, this is taxable income. You report your transactions in US dollars, which usually means converting the value of your cryptocurrency to dollars when you buy, sell, mine, or use it. Here’s how Bitcoin could affect your taxes.  Bitcoin And Cryptocurrencies Are Property The IRS views cryptocurrency as property, not currency, for tax purposes. This may sound trivial, but it’s the basis for when the IRS decides that you owe taxes.  Here are the basic ‘realization events’ that … Read more

3 Ways to Save Money When Shopping Online

Online shopping is constantly changing due to the progress made in technology. According to Digital Commerce and the US Census Bureau, American consumers spent a total of $861 billion on online shopping alone just last year. Although the pandemic played a role, it’s not surprising to see the tremendous move to e-shopping. Are you wondering how you can save money even while shopping online? Here are some practical tips.  1. Use Flowcode to shop directly from companies Flowcode is a Windows-based programming app that makes it possible for customers and brands to connect directly without a middle party, namely the reseller or retailer. In what has become a more traditional purchasing system, customers procure their needed products from the supermarket shelves. Even when … Read more

Ways to Save Money When Buying a House

Buying a house is one of the most significant accomplishments adults can achieve. It is the place where you begin a family and live out the rest of your days in peace. When buying a new home, you want to get the best deal possible and save some extra money on other things. That said, have a look down below at different ways to save money when buying a house. Use an Experienced Real Estate Agent  If you make use of a good realtor it will save you a lot of time, money, and heartbreak. A Real Estate Agent is a professional that has experience in the home buying process and contract expertise. If you want to get the best … Read more

Options to Recover Financially from a Car Accident

If you have been involved in a car accident, tending to your physical injuries is likely right at the top of your list of priorities. However, many victims of vehicle collisions soon realize that the financial implications can be a massive burden, even if the crash was minor. Unfortunately, various bills can stem from a car accident, from medical bills to lost wages and vehicle damages. In some cases, the victim’s vehicle is totaled by an insurer while the car is still being paid off through a loan, leaving the victim in serious debt. Fortunately, there are a few options to consider that will help you recover financially from a car accident. Claiming from Your Vehicle Insurer If your vehicle … Read more