Why Your Spending in Retirement May Actually Increase

running out of money in retirement

How prepared are you for retirement? If you assume that your monthly expenses will decrease in your post-working life, then you might be surprised to learn that many retirees experience the exact opposite. Instead, their expenses go up. How can that be? If you pay off your mortgage before retiring then perhaps your monthly budget will be noticeably lower. But, it’s not reasonable to expect your current lifestyle will drastically change in a more frugal direction upon retirement. There are many ways we psychologically approach retirement, but “live as frugally as possible” is likely not part of the plan. Instead, retirees view it as a time to live in well-deserved luxury and relaxation, whether that involves going out to dinner … Read more

Top 4 Common Retirement Mistakes and How to Avoid Them

running out of money in retirement

There are plenty of ways to make retirement planning less stressful. But, people are oftentimes too caught up in saving for vacations or paying off debts to dedicate much effort to prepare for retirement. We all make mistakes. But, do you make retirement mistakes? Considering the significant income drop you’ll experience after retiring from your current line of work, planning for retirement is one of the most important things you’ll ever do in your life! The last thing you want to do is reach your 60s with little saved for retirement. To clear up any confusion about retirement planning and help you stay on track to meet your goals, here are some common mistakes you should avoid. 4 Common Retirement … Read more