The Need For Telematics Insurance in India

Employers Liability Insurance - Why Do You Need It?As per the combined police data from all the states, almost 1200 accidents take place every day, leading to the death of 400 people. This is up by 5% in 2016 as compared to 2015. Now, that is a gigantic and an alarming number when compared to any other part of the world. Majority of these accidents are attributed to reckless driving and not following road security conventions. The answer to this grave problem can partly be answered with one little known data tracking method such as telematics.

To this date, almost 70% of the cars are insured in India’s ever growing insurance market and more are likely to follow suit in this booming age. This brings us to an important question:

Is it the right time to consider telematics insurance India??

Telematics Insurance in India

Telematics insurance is already successful in countries like UK , Italy, and Germany and is slowly gaining prominence in USA as well.

As the car insurance and bike insurance premiums are slowly on the rise in India, it should make sense for the insurers to offer this type of an insurance.

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Top 10 Incredible Success Secrets Creating a High-Five Culture

Ninja Selling by Larry Kendall

The following is a guest post by Larry Kendall, author of Ninja Selling and chairman of The Group, Inc. If you’d like to be considered for a future guest post on Money Q&A, check out our guest posting guidelines.

Ninja Selling by Larry KendallThe average annual household income in the United States is $56,516. For the top 5 percent of households, it’s $159,619 and for the 1 percenters, it’s $380,354. In our company, we are only interested in hiring associates who aspire to be 5 percenters or better. We call them High Fivers, and we have a system to help them get there. Our associates averaged $221,485 in Gross Commission Income (GCI) in 2016.

Success Secrets Creating a High-Five Business Culture

How do you build a High-Five business culture? Simple. Hire financial sales associates who aspire to be 5 percenters and coach them to success.  Here are our observations of the Top 10 attributes and activities of these top agents to have a great business culture:

1. Mindset. Players versus Victims. Look for associates with a growth mindset who believe they can figure this business out and be successful if they work hard enough. See Dr. Carol Dweck’s book: Mindset: The New Psychology of Success.

2. Hungry. Success takes effort. Hire associates who hunger to succeed and the work ethic to get there. What is their motivation? What is there why?

3. Character. Hire likable people who tell the truth and do what they say. These character attributes are the keys for them to be a trusted advisor rather than just a salesperson.

4. Empathy. Having the social skills to pick up on the subtle nuances and the feelings of another was the key attribute of the top 10 percent of sales associates, according to a study by Franklin-Covey.

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How to Turn Your Blog into a Second Income

Blogging for Money and Second Income

Blogging for Money and Second IncomeWhile blogs have been perceived as more of a hobby than a real job in the past, modern bloggers are reaping hundreds and sometimes thousands in revenue from just a single website as second income. People are often mystified by how this works, but you can find all the steps you would need to take to start a profitable blog today in this short article!

1. Decide on a theme

Ideally, you should choose a theme or subject that you are passionate about and understand well. This makes your blog authentic and automatically more easily relatable to users. You should also make sure that you register a relevant domain name and once you find one you can move on to the next step.

2. Create a website

Unless you are an experienced web developer, then it is probably best that you create a WordPress site. But first, you need to register a domain and hosting service, which can be done through sites like Bluehost or Namecheap. Afterwards you can follow your chosen hosting company’s steps to installing WordPress (make sure to choose not You can then choose from plenty of great responsive templates that are 100% free and move on to focusing on your written content.

3. Create useful content

Writing just anything related to your theme will not take you far; you need to do some research into what people want to know and are looking for online. Keyword searches and trending questions in your blog’s industry are a great way to find out what people are interested in. If your blog’s theme is fitness you should include diet tips for example. Or, if you your blog is about poker you can give readers tips on how to become a professional gambler. Once you have enough content and feel confident in the way your blog looks you can move on to the next steps.

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Day Trading Strategies to Use in the Forex Market

The trend is your friend when you trade forex

Day Trading in the Forex market means that trades open and close on the same trading day. Positions are held for very short terms. This type of trading is also called Intraday Trading and is one of the day trading strategies that you can implement. As with any type of Forex trading, there are different strategies that can be used. Whatever your chosen strategy, there are factors that are important to pay attention to and rules that must be followed. The two most important factors to a Day trader are volatility and liquidity. For Day Trading to work, the currency pair has to be volatile enough that it moves in the span of one trading day. If your currency pair doesn’t … Read more

Five Practices to Help You Thrive in Perilous Times

The Thriver’s Edge by Donna Stoneham

The following is a guest post by Donna Stoneham, PhD, the author of “The Thriver’s Edge: Seven Keys to Transform the Way You Live, Love“. If you’d like to find out more about guest posting on Money Q&A, please read our Guest Posting Guidelines

The Thriver’s Edge by Donna StonehamRegardless of where you fall on the political spectrum, 2017 is likely to be a year unlike any we’ve ever experienced. America has never been more divided, and many people are feeling alienated and anxious. We can’t deny that hatred, cynicism, and misunderstanding are present, but we each have the power to transform them. The author and anthropologist Margaret Meade said, “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has.”

Five Practices to Help You Thrive in Perilous Times

Let’s make 2017 the year we commit to strengthen ourselves in five key areas, so that collectively, we can create a world where we can all thrive, not just survive, during the coming year.

1. Cultivate a Strong Body

We all need strong bodies because physical strength helps to ground us. It helps keep our immunity high in times of stress so we don’t get sick. Exercising regularly, getting good nutrition each day and making sure we get sound, restful sleep gives us the energy we need to thrive and successfully manage stress and fear.

The Practice: Move your body for a half hour or more at least four times each week and for a minimum of fifteen minutes every day. Walk the dog. Use a treadmill or an elliptical while you’re reading or watching TV. Run. Swim. Play basketball. Do Yoga. Just MOVE. Get good nutrition every day. Say goodbye to fast food. Make sure you’re consistently getting at least seven hours of sleep each night and be mindful of how much alcohol you ingest.

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How Can You Get More Money From Medical Negligence Claims?

Benefits of a health savings account

Medical Negligence ClaimsThere are many different opportunities that exist for people to get money, opportunities they do not know much about in so many cases we see people that make incorrect choices simply because they lack the necessary knowledge. This is exactly what happens with the medical negligence cases.

Many of the medical negligence cases are not at all difficult to deal with. They involve really simple injuries. In this case, the money that is gained through the claim generally covers just minor wage losses and the medical bills necessary for recovery. In other cases, things are really complicated. Getting more money from the medical negligence claim becomes a true necessity. While every single case is unique, there are some things you can do to increase the possibility of getting the right compensation amount. Here is what you should know.

Hiring An Experienced Attorney

This is by far the most important thing that you have to do. A huge problem in dealing with medical negligence claims is not understanding the claim process or not understanding the law in regards to possible financial compensation. When you work with an attorney that is experienced this does not happen. You are basically protected from the dishonest actions of the other party and you will have someone in your corner that knows the law.

An extra advantage associated with hiring the experienced attorneys is that they know how much money you should receive based on the network of specialists they have access to and the experience they gained in time while dealing with such cases. They will be able to negotiate and get better deals for you, which is definitely what you want at the end of the day.

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