Young People Are Taking Out Loans In The UK, Why We Should Be Worried

More and more young people are falling deep into debt and it is about time we got worried about it. Many teenagers and young people below 25 are finding themselves struggling to make debt payments and cover costs of living because of the huge loans they got themselves enveloped in. According to a report by Citizens Advice, in every 10 young people, 62% (or 6) are servicing high interest loans such as the payday loan. The charity went on to say about 15% of individuals with damaging debt cases are aged between 17 and 24 years. This figure would not have been so scary if the report did not go on to state that only 8% of that group was … Read more

How to Save on College Student Expenses on Campus and Earn More Money

How to Save on College Student Expenses

The following is a guest post on Money Q&A by Andrew Rombach, who manages the scholarship website, Would you like to write the next one? If you would like to write an article for Money Q&A, please visit our Guest Posting Guidelines page. You are spending too much money on your college education. Unless you’re the world’s thriftiest student already – and chances are you’re not – it’s a fact that you’re not saving as much money as you could be. You’re spending too much money on college student expenses. Save on College Student Expenses on Campus Below are a few of the biggest categories where students fail entirely in picking cost-effective options, aside from opting for in-state tuition. These failures keep students … Read more

Top 10 Tips For Applying For A Personal Loan in 2017

Should I Get a Small Business Loan?

You may be planning on a new car in the New Year, or maybe some home improvements. Well, if you are, these tips will help you when applying for a personal loan and to ensure the loan you get is the best for you.

Tips For Applying For A Personal Loan

1) Get The Deal That’s Right For You

Should I Get a Small Business Loan?Personal loans end up being used to meet many different needs by borrowers. You might be trying to consolidate debts on multiple credit cards, start a home improvement project, build capital for your business, or just take a vacation.

Before you make any commitments, make sure you’re looking at the right kind of credit. Depending on your circumstances, you might be served better by a line of credit or a home equity loan. Because your home serves as security on such a credit line or loan, you’re likely to get a better interest rate than you would from an unsecured personal loan.

2) Use A Trustworthy Lender

There are many financial institutions in the personal loan business. Examples include banks, online lenders, and credit unions.

Terms, conditions, and interest rates are going to vary from lender to lender. This makes it important for you to shop around before making a final decision.

As an example of the kind of interest rate variations you face, consider these averages provided by Perc Pineda. (Pineda is the Credit Union National Association’s senior economist.) A two-year personal loan for $5,000 comes with a 9.93% interest rate at banks, while the same loan has a rate of 9.54% at credit unions.

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The Advantages Of Investing In Gold In Today’s Market

The following is a guest post on Money Q&A. If you would like to write an article for Money Q&A, please visit our Guest Posting Guidelines page. Investing in gold is something many people consider doing, in order to protect their savings. As this is one of the best investment opportunities, the sooner you understand its benefits, the better. The biggest investors in the world have bet on this precious metal, due to its excellent potential. Moreover, its rarity and market demand make it very attractive, especially on long-term. Let’s see how you can put your money to good use by investing in gold.  Although buying and selling gold appears to be easy, you should be very careful where you purchase it from. … Read more

Infographic: The History of Binary Options from Binary Options Robots

The popularity of binary options has soared since the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission’s approval in 2008. The phrase “binary options” now receives 110,000 monthly searches in Google, only 20,000 less than “forex trading”. And, now you can trade with binary options robots. There have been several regulatory issues along the way: this summer France and Belgium prohibited all advertising of binary options products. Israel has emerged as the center of binary options: in 2014 The Time start-up incubator reported that 15 Israeli trading companies were posting annual revenues in excess of $10 million, and 3 in excess of $100 million.  Check out the infographic below, courtesy of Binary Options Robots! They provide hands-on robots embedded with sensors, actuators, and … Read more

Top 3 Fun Ways to Make Money Online

Save money on monthly expensesWith life being dependent on the internet and everything being available at your fingertips, making money online has become easier than ever. But did you know you can do this the fun way? Yeah, that’s right. Given below are the 3 fun ways you can make money online.

Playing Betting Games

Betting games are becoming more popular these days, especially in the UK market, with a new online betting site appearing every week. The best of among these online betting sites are the online bingo sites. There are millions of people out there who earn small rewards playing online bingo and some have won huge jackpots that has changed their life completely. According to resources, 96% of regular bingo players have won the jackpot prize at least once while they have also kept in mind to play responsibly.

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