The Cars with the Most Warranty Claims

Car Salesmen Tricks They Do Not Want You To Know

‘Nearly new’ is the most popular age of the car to buy. 74% of car purchases involve a second-hand car. Buying a car can really suck. In an ideal world, we would all be buying the latest model of a well-engineered Tron vehicle from fairly priced dealerships, but that is never going to happen. More often than not, we buy our cars used and in questionable condition and have warranty claims.

Cars with the Most Warranty Claims

Fortunately, warranties and insurance exist to offer some protection for those who go through an authorized seller or manufacturer. You should also make sure that you conduct a VIN check before purchasing a new car.

Buckle up and clear your cupholder, some of the names on this list may surprise you.

2017 Alfa Romeo Giulia

Alfa Romeos are far too expensive for the rate of warranty claims they have. A full 40% of Alfa Romeos sold in Great Britain result in mechanical claims. YouTuber JayEmm has owned three Alfa Romeos and he has some words to say:

“Alfas are for passionate people. They are not for somebody like my neighbor across the street who just wants a car.”

He says that his Alfa-owning mechanic, who is literally from Italy, has actually warned him against buying one of these cars. 

2007 Toyota Camry

Toyotas are known for their sturdiness and dependability. The Corolla and Prius lines have flourished in the states in the past thirty years, even surpassing most domestic brands. 2007, though, was a bad year for the Toyota Camry, which reported oil leaks, issues with the brakes, and most notoriously, serious transmission problems.

It took more than two years for the Camry to recover in sales numbers. Part of the initiative taken by the Japanese auto manufacturer has been to offer extended warranties like those you can find at

2013 Dodge Dart

Chrysler in general fared poorly throughout the 2010s. This automaker has yet to fully recover from the 2008 recession, and it reflects in the quality of its products. This brand is also in charge of Alfa Romero, so no surprise there.

In 2019, 300,000 Dodge Darts from the 2013 model all the way to the 2016 edition were recalled due to a transmission problem that could cause them to roll away in while parked.

This, along with marketing problems, led to the Dodge Dart quickly acquiring an unsavory reputation back in the mid-2010s.

2017 Mazda RX8

Buying an RX8 is like marrying a gold-digger, a dubious but sexy short-term payoff, but an abysmal investment in the long term.

The RX8 has a manual transmission along with a powerful 232 hp engine, but buying one means you will probably need to triple-check your warranty agreement. This sports car has a whole list of problems, so we have compiled a few of them for you.

Most Warranty Claims by Type

Foggy lights:

The headlights and taillights on the Mazda RX8 use poorly made gaskets that wear out very fast. They are also poorly sealed.

Annoying armrests:

The cheap armrests not only wear out rapidly, they also stop locking way before they should.

Weak ignition:

The RX8 Series 1 starter is notorious for failing to start the engine. This problem is often exacerbated by shoddy wiring.

 Exhausting exhaust system:

The complex exhaust system for this sports car means owners are constantly dealing with the check engine light.

Types of Warranties

So what even are warranties? These are assurances from a product/service provider that insures a certain level of quality for your purchase. The warranty covers a certain amount in time or miles that your seller has an obligation to you to provide a good product.

There are implied warranties and extended warranties. Implied warranties do not need to be written up in a contract or anything. They are a basic level of assurance that should protect the buyer from basically getting scammed. There are four types of an implied warranty that you can have warranty claims against.

  • Warranty of Merchantability
  • Warranty of Fitness for a Particular Purpose
  • Warranty of Title
  • Warranty of Habitability

Extended warranties are also called service agreements and they are only offered by qualified vendors that can have warranty claims. These provide an additional level of comfort for the product purchaser because they direct any costs due to mechanical problems directly to the manufacturer.


Although car insurance [LA1] and warranty serve the same basic function of protecting owners from undue expenses, the two are actually quite different. The main difference between them is that a warranty covers mechanical failures and manufacturing problems, while insurance can cover pretty much anything outside of this scope, from toppled trees to robbery.

We hope that this list of cars will help you know what to be on the lookout for on your car buying journey.

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