Top 4 Ways to Save for Retirement as a Job Hopper Now

Young adults seem to have no problem “hopping” from job to job in search of better opportunities and higher pay. But, is job-hopping really worth it if you’re potentially hurting your retirement savings? Whether you’ve recently graduated from college or you’re in the middle of a late-career job transition, it’s important to be aware of the upsides and downsides to job-hopping. While higher pay, better benefits, and cooler workplace perks may be advantageous to some workers, the trade-off of lower job security and fewer opportunities to save for retirement may not be worth it for a lot of folks. People already tend to struggle with saving for retirement. A 2016 survey found the average Baby Boomer has just $147,000 saved for … Read more

What Is an IVA and How It Works

What is an IVA? Today, we will explain what an Individual Voluntary Arrangement is, and how it works. We will go in details explaining why you need and how it can help you. We will also give you a detailed tutorial on how to draft your proposal and present it to the court. What is an IVA? Voluntary Arrangement for Individual is a process in which an arrangement is presented to the creditor for delayed or no payment of debt. This scheme needs approval from the court and remains under the control of a supervisor. It is very common in England and Wale. However, countries like Scotland and Northern Ireland are also adopting this. Before the introduction of these agreements … Read more

Boost Your Financial Savvy with these Awesome Ideas

Money and finances can be quite difficult concepts for some of us to understand. We aren’t all naturals when it comes to numbers and math, so there is no wonder that this can translate to issues with money management. But, just because you struggle with maths means you also need to struggle with your finances. There are in fact quite a few ways you can improve your money knowledge and become savvier with your finances. Here are a few ideas to get you started. Take A Course One of the best things you can do is to take a course. There are lots that cover the basics of most financial topics, including the tax system and budgeting. If you would … Read more

Make a Living and Help People: The Top 5 Fields to Go Into

It may seem like it’s a dog-eat-dog capitalist world out there and the only way you can get aged is by stepping on the little guy. However, you don’t have to choose between making a decent wage and helping your fellow human beings. 5 Fields to Go into to Make a Living In fact, there are many rewards career that will allow you to do both. Read on to find out what they are. Education Working in the field of education helps people because it’s essential not only to the next generation of society that is growing up but also to each individual that you will deal with as well. In fact, I bet you can remember that one teacher … Read more

Top 5 Ways to Start to Saving for Retirement in Your 20s

Make Retirement Less Stressful

The earlier you start saving for retirement, the better. When you’re in your 20s, saving for retirement in your 20s may feel like it’s a long way off, but it’s one of the most important steps you can take to ensure that your later years are comfortable. A GoBankingRates survey conducted in 2018 found that the majority of young millennials, referring to those who are between 18 and 24 years old, had less than $1000 saved, and nearly half hadn’t saved anything at all. While many people put off saving until they reach their 30s, with today’s economy and the uncertainty of social security, if you wait, you’ll likely find yourself way behind when you reach retirement age. If you’re … Read more

Ten Questions to Lead Your Business to Financial Success

Let’s face it; the financial barometer is arguably the only one that truly matters for your business venture. Therefore, it’s imperative that you do everything you possibly can in order to achieve stable profits. 10 Questions for Financial Success in Business Use the following ten questions to ensure that your business stays on the right track for immediate and long-term success. #1. Does The Business Have Enough Capital? While it is possible to launch a business with a relatively small amount of capital, you cannot ignore the need for some money. Thousands of great ideas fail to materialize into successful ventures due to a lack of cash flow in the early stages. Do not let your dreams die before they’ve got … Read more