Understanding the Emotional Side of Debt

Emotional Side of Debt

We all know that debt is a pretty horrible situation to be in, but did you know that it can affect you emotionally as well? Whether it’s good debt such as a student loan or bad debt such as a loan you took out for a holiday, people in debt can suffer a number of different emotional issues and the emotional side of debt. Debt is no laughing matter and it takes a strong mind to be able to successfully circumvent the emotional effects that you might experience. To counteract this, let’s take a look at the emotional side of debt and what you can do to prevent it from causing more problems in your life. Regret It’s common to … Read more

How to Stay Safe and Prevent Fraud When Writing Checks

Prevent Fraud When Writing Checks

Writing a check may seem like one of the easiest things in the world. The problem is that there are a lot of fraudsters out there and they will do everything they can to take advantage of a check mistake and you may even lose out financially because of it. If you have been the victim of fraud before then you will know this all too well, and it can even go against you on your credit report. Take a look below to find out more. How to Stay Safe and Prevent Fraud When Writing Checks Use Black Ink Security is incredibly important when writing a check. Make sure that you use black gel ink where possible. This is because … Read more

Don’t Let Expensive Disasters Put You in Debt

Those of us that are expert budgeters still get caught out from time to time by expensive unforeseen disasters. This could be anything from an expensive car repair to an emergency operation to a busted water pipe. The easiest way to pay for these disasters is to take out an emergency loan instead of being in debt. Disasters Put You in Debt But this means putting yourself in debt and potentially paying a huge amount of interest that you wouldn’t have had to pay had your preparation beforehand. You can’t prepare financially for all disasters, but some can be anticipated. Here are just a few ways to afford disasters without sinking in debt. Invest in preventative measures Many disasters can … Read more

How To Pay Off Debt When You Can’t Increase Your Income

When someone falls into the debt trap, one of the most widely given pieces of advice is to increase your income. Doing so gives you more money, which can be used to pay off what you owe. However, what happens when you simply can’t increase your income? How do you pay off debt now? Well, here are three ideas that will help you: Slash Your Expenses If you can’t increase your income to earn more money to go towards your debt, then what’s the next best thing? Spend less money so you can use the money you save to slowly eat away at your mountain of debt. It’s a very easy concept, and it will work over time. The key … Read more

Lower Your Insurance, Don’t Cancel It

When you’re living on a tight budget, it can be difficult and rather stressful to work out where you should cut down on your bills. There are some payments that you need to make per month that are non-negotiable, such as the rent/mortgage, groceries, and the utilities. Where there is no room to simply stop making these payments, you need to figure out where you can save some money and lower your costs each month so that while you’re strapped for cash, you can still live. Saving money is important to a lot of people. It doesn’t matter whether you are a student looking to cut some costs while you’re studying, or if you’re in the middle of pulling overtime … Read more

When Payday Goes From Pay Yay, To Pay No

Get the most out of your payday

Payday is a firm favorite for everyone. Nothing beats waking up and checking your bank first thing. When you see those juicy figures, you can rest easy that you have money for at least that one day. Sure, bills and rent payments may soon drain the savings again. But, it’s better to have had and lost, and all that… But, the payday buzz can die fast if your earnings aren’t as they should be. The majority of us experience a messed-up pay packet at least once in our lives. Buzzkill aside, seeing an empty account when it should be full can cause significant stress. You can’t pay your bills from an empty account. Even one missed payment could lead to … Read more