A Passive Dollar: How to Generate Income with XTrade Europe

Trade FOREX with xTrade

Trade FOREX with xTradeNo matter what industry you work in, you know that no money comes for free. Any payoff involves an investment of resources such as time, capital, raw materials, or labor. That being said, the recent growth of forex trading has provided an opportunity to traders across the globe to make some extra money from anywhere in the world.

Forex trading – also known as CFD trading or online currency trading – is a market that revolves around the buying, selling, and exchanging of world currencies. The market is based on the changes in currencies’ values and how they are valued in comparison to each other.

Thanks to the omnipresence of the internet, it is possible to trade forex from anywhere in the world, at any time. For example, if you reside in Europe, you can trade using XTrade Europe on your own schedule – whether it be at home or while on vacation.

Keys to Successful Trades

Without a doubt, one of the most important aspects to quality trading is to pay attention to the markets and current events. The more educated you are, the more likely you are to succeed. As a beginner trader, you need to invest the time and effort into learning about the market and how it functions. This means learning about the different terms used in the industry and learning about the different currencies that are used across the globe.

There are a number of different resources, but XTrade Europe runs an educational website where they help beginner traders get on their feet. They have tons of valuable articles, videos, and training materials that will help you get a thorough understanding of how the market works.

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Understanding the Civil Litigation Process Can Save You Time and Money

Understanding the Civil Litigation Process

The following is a guest post by Kenn Goldblatt, the author of, “The Pro Se Litigant’s Civil Litigation Handbook“. If you’d like to submit a guest post on Money Q&A, please check out the site’s guest posting guidelines.

Understanding the Civil Litigation ProcessThe legal industry is the only activity I know where if you make a mistake, you pay. If your attorney makes a mistake, you pay. If your paralegal makes a mistake, you pay. Also, if the opposing attorney makes a mistake, you pay. And if the judge makes a mistake, you pay.

So understanding the civil litigation process can help you avoid expense-causing mistakes and help you keep your lawyer on track – or keep yourself on track if you opt to proceed pro se and represent yourself.

If the lottery worked the same way, the store clerk would tell you to go outside and buy your ticket from an agent. And, the agent would tell you that he or she would take your money. But, they wouldn’t guarantee that you would get a ticket – or get any money if you win.

Understanding the Civil Litigation Process

These days, more and more individuals are deciding for a variety of reasons to represent themselves. In fact, in state and federal courts across the United States, about five million individuals are handling their own civil cases of various sorts.

Whether or not they will be successful and prevail depends on a number of factors, not the least of which is understanding precisely how the civil litigation process works and how they can produce the documents they need to convince the judge that they should win.

Typically, judges loathe pro se litigants because they come to court believing what they learned in sixth grade – that if you just come to court and tell the truth, everything will be all right. Nothing could be further from the truth.

Over 5 million individuals are handling their own civil cases in court each year.Click To Tweet

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Shrinking bigshots: Seasoned Leaders Getting Their Kicks

The following is an excerpt from Bill Treasurer’s book, “A Leadership Kick in the Ass“. It has been reprinted with permission for Money Q&A.

A Leadership Kick in the AssThe transition of a leader’s career from the top of the crest to the other side can actually be a beautiful thing. This is the time when your wisdom is ripest, when the bulk of your legacy has been established, and when your influence has left a tangible and positive mark. At this stage of your leadership career, you are a leader in full. It’s worth noting that the leadership influence of many leaders became fully expressed late in life. 

Benjamin Franklin was 70 when he signed the Declaration of Independence (Samuel Whittemore was 81). Ronald Reagan was 69 when he became president, and 77 when he left office. Golda Meir became Prime Minister of Israel when she was 71. Dr. Ray Irani, the CEO of Occidental Petroleum, is currently 75 years old, making him the oldest Fortune 500 CEO.

While your leadership career may span many years, the current average retirement age in the United States is 62. Given that average life expectancies have been steadily growing, figuring out what to do with all that accumulated leadership wisdom and influence before you retire, will help soften whatever butt-kicks may come when the gates of your career close. 

By butt-kicks, I mean embarrassing and humiliating moments in your leadership that serve as a starting point to discover your strengths and values, and become better.

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How To Live In A Tiny House – One Woman’s Incredible Story To Change Her Life

How To Live In A Tiny House

The following is a guest post by MargaretAnn “Muffy” Morris, a courageous woman who is chronicling her adventures on her blog, Muffy On The Move. If you’d like to submit a guest post on Money Q&A, please check out the site’s guest posting guidelines.

Note from Hank – I’ve known Muffy for years. We went to college together. And, I have to admit, I was skeptical like many of our friends when she said she wanted to live in a tiny house.

But, we could see how serious she was when she sold all of her possessions, sold her house, and bought an RV in order to get ready to build the tiny house of her dreams. While tiny house living isn’t for everyone, you have to admire someone for going for it and following their dreams.

Be sure to follow along and learn more about her adventures on her blog, on Instagram, and Facebook.

How To Live In A Tiny House

How To Live In A Tiny HouseI didn’t want debt to control my life. In fact, I decided I didn’t want debt at all. There are a billion advice columns on how to save: get a part time job or skip Starbucks. What I really heard them say was “be miserable, exhausted, and have no free time” or “deny yourself the little things you enjoy.”

The thought rattled around for awhile until I just couldn’t shake it. My possessions began to suffocate me. Time to redefine my own success. I was downsizing my life. Send over HGTV, I was going tiny!

While I’m not a hipster or “crunchy,” my gypsy soul is pretty recognizable. Always been one to dive right in instead of ease into cold water. For me, once the idea struck, it was time to put it into action. I had a complete life turnaround in under 3 weeks.

After deciding mortgages weren’t for me, there was no way I was going to lay down $60k for a tiny house. These hands of mine are going to build that sucker themselves. I set a goal of 3 months to learn how to build and how to live in a tiny home and $3,000 to get it done.

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Diversify Your Investment Portfolio with Forex via XTrade

Trade FOREX with xTrade

Trade FOREX with xTradeNo matter what stage of your life you are in, it is important to consider your investments and to think forward with regards to your money. Whether you are a young professional that is just starting their career, or an experienced veteran with a diversified portfolio, you want to be sure your money is safe by investing in as many different places as possible.

This means keeping a rich portfolio of mutual funds, stocks, government bonds, and other investments. But did you know that forex and online currency exchanges can also be a great investment tool for savvy traders?

Read on to discover how forex trading can help you round out your portfolio and successfully grow your savings.

Why Use XTrade?

There are so many different currency traders available online nowadays. So how do you know which one to choose? Without a doubt, one of the best platforms to choose is XTrade. This platform is quickly growing and has a large online following, as you can see on their Linkedin page here.

The broker offers its traders tons of tools on their online portfolio to help them successfully make forex trades. The platform is available 24/7 on both mobile and desktop applications which means that you have access to their service whenever you need. Similarly, they have an extensive support team to help walk you through any problems you may encounter with the platform.

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The Importance of Talking About Money (Even When It’s Hard)

Love Your Life, Not Theirs

The following is a guest post by Rachel Cruze, who you may know also as Dave Ramsey’s daughter. An incredible speaker and author in her own right, Rachel has a new book coming out in October, “Love Your Life, Not Theirs“. If you’d like to submit a guest post on Money Q&A, please check out the site’s guest posting guidelines.

Some of the most difficult conversations you’ll ever have will probably involve money. For example, consider these statements:

“How much did you spend on that dress? You didn’t even tell me about it!”

“Retirement is only five years away, Dad. Do you think you’ll be ready?”

“Josh, I can’t keep loaning you money if you aren’t going to pay me back. Sorry, I know you’re my brother, but I can’t do it again.”

Ouch. Those are probably going to be difficult discussions, right? But even though they’re difficult, those money conversations are absolutely necessary.

The Importance of Talking About Money

Love Your Life, Not Theirs by Rachel CruzeIn my upcoming book, “Love Your Life, Not Theirs, I discuss the seven money habits you need to live the life you want. One of them is simply this: Talk about money, even when it’s hard.

What should you do when . . .

Your husband won’t stick to the budget? Talk about it.

Your parents aren’t prepared to live a comfortable retirement? Talk about it.

Your brother won’t stop asking you for money? Talk about it.

Yes, it won’t be easy. You may even have “words” or shed a few tears. But, ultimately, it’s one of the habits you have to practice to have a healthy relationship with money.

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