How to Repair Your Finances as a First Priority

Repair your Finances as a First Priority

Financial Management is not an academic subject. No one gets exam marks to indicate how they are progressing with the subject. It is a matter of making good decisions and learning from any mistakes which hopefully are not too costly. The USA consumer finance statistics are fairly disturbing.  There are too much credit card debt and certainly insufficient retirement savings in society. Some people must be stressed every time they open their credit card statement or read about the Social Security System’s problems and the fact that an insufficient number of people are saving enough for a comfortable retirement. The sooner you get into the habit of saving and spending sensibly the better your chances of living a trouble-free future. … Read more

This Is One Apple That May Not Keep The Doctor Away

Essential Tech for Currency Trading OnlineWhile the internet is abuzz with news of the imminent iPhone 7 launch – boasting, among other things, the end of the Headphone jack that we have all come to love, waterproof abilities and an improved camera – you would be forgiven for leaving mouth agape and light-headed at the ‘prescribed’ price tag at which the device will be offered to the UK consumer market.

As traders and spread betting companies will be well aware, the Pound has taken a rather intense beating thanks to the successful Brexit vote, and while recent sentiment has been positive in the market place, it seems that Apple has decided to take no prisoners when it comes to their latest release.

While the US has seen limited changes to their original price tags, the loss of a 16GB version means that the entry model for the iPhone 7 is now £599 and their top spec version is £799. Should you opt for the ‘Plus’ option instead however, you can expect to fork out even more, spending somewhere in the region of £719 to £919 dependent on your choice of Internal Storage space.

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Top 5 Ways to Save Money on Health Insurance

Top 5 Ways to Save Money on Health InsuranceWhat do you think is the best and most industrious way to ensure the protection of your health? I bet a health insurance policy because of the unprecedented benefits.

If you have health insurance, then you do not necessarily need to worry about your medical expenses and hospital bills. However, things are not ideal every time and you cannot escape extreme atmospheric conditions and so do health issues.

Before we proceed further, let me ask you, do you have a health insurance policy? I suppose not.

What could be the reason you never experienced the need of health insurance? Well, not just one but there could be many reasons why you never purchased a health plan. One of those reasons could be affordability of the premium. For more details, read below:

Understanding Premium & Making It Affordable

The term premium refers to the amount of money you are liable to pay to your insurer so as to avail certain benefits in particular. A health insurance policy provides assured benefits, such as cashless hospitalization, claim reimbursement and more such features to the policyholder. In exchange for that, the company seeks an annual premium.

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How to Overcome the Challenges of Bootstrapping Your Business

How to Overcome the Challenges of Bootstrapping Your Business

The following is a guest post by Ed “Skip” McLaughlin and Wyn Lydecker, the authors of “The Purpose Is Profit: The Truth about Starting and Building Your Own Business“. If you’d like to find out more about guest posting on Money Q&A, please read our Guest Posting Guidelines. Every business needs capital to start, operate, and grow. Every type of capital has a cost, with advantages and disadvantages to consider. And to some degree, every source of capital will affect the amount of control you will maintain over your business. When I was starting my company, USI, I couldn’t wait to lift off. I was ready to quit my job and felt impatient to get started. I considered sourcing money from … Read more

5 Signs You Should Hire A Coach for Your Life or Business

5 Signs You Should Hire A Coach

5 Signs You Should Hire A CoachCoaching has become a rapidly growing profession worldwide, expanding form its origins in sports and branching out into a number of different areas. There are business coaches, executive coaches, career coaches, health & wellness coaches, and general life coaches. But, should you hire a coach to help you succeed in life or in your business?

People seem to be recognizing that having a coach can make a difference. In fact, studies of coaching in organizations shows a return of $4 – $8 for every dollar invested.

At the same time, people have begun to recognize that top athletes spend around 95% of time practicing with a coach and 5% actually performing. While the rest of us spend almost all of our time performing, with almost no time to practice or improve.

Why shouldn’t everyone benefit from more time to work with a coach and develop mastery?

5 Signs You Should Hire A Coach

You See The Possibilities

You see great possibility for yourself, your career, or your business, but you can’t turn that possibility into a clear vision, action, and/or results. In other words, you are stuck.

What is your purpose? What is your vision for your life, career, or business? What are your strengths and how can you use them to make great things happen? A coach works with you to get answers to these questions.

Your Having Challenges

You are having challenges influencing or working with other people to get things done. Leadership – in life and in work – is partly about influencing others.

Many people have challenges with how they communicate, work on teams, and make things happen. A coach can help you develop new skills and behaviors to have more impact when working with other people. Your coach can also help you to understand how to build a powerful network of relationships so that you can get more things done more easily.

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Riding the Wall Street Wave: Ways to Succeed in a Volatile Market

Tips and Hints for Your First Stock Market Investment

Tips and Hints for Your First Stock Market InvestmentVery few things in life stay the same for too long and you can certainly apply that philosophical view to financial markets, where there is often a snooze-you-lose mentality pervading many trader’s thoughts.

The way silver prices are currently reacting to market conditions is a case in point, and you can read the full article on to get the lowdown on that situation. Volatility in many different markets is often only a breaking news story away. So, how do you successfully ride the Wall Street wave?

Timing the market dips

Volatility can bring trading opportunities, but if you want to know how to time the market dips successfully, the simple answer is that you shouldn’t even try, unless you plan to relieve your bank balance of a few extra zeros.

You might get lucky and execute the perfect trade, buying at the lowest entry point and then watching the stock price climb again shortly afterwards, but the point about timing the market dips, is that much of what you achieve will be down to just as much luck as judgment.

The investing mantra that you would do well to keep in the forefront of your mind every time you are tempted to profit from a breaking news story, is that in the long-term, consistency over immediacy will give you a much better survival rate and allow you more chance to post solid gains.

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