7 Reasons You Should Consider Life Insurance Prequalification

When To Buy Insurance

Have you considered life insurance prequalification? The following is a guest post by KJ Price. KJ Prince is an insurance agent and the founder of Insurance Engine. When he’s not writing about insurance he enjoys technology, design, CrossFit, and fly fishing. If you’d like to submit a guest post on Money Q&A, please check out the site’s guest posting guidelines.

Life insurance prequalification is a process top-notch life insurance brokers utilize for uncovering important information about life insurance applicants. Prequalified life insurance quotes are not guesses or estimates, they are accurate rate quotes based on your actual life insurance risk profile.

In this article we’ll cover 7 reasons you should consider life insurance prequalification and how the process works. By the end of the article you’ll understand why you should get prequalified and how the prequalification process works.

You Should Consider Life Insurance Prequalification

So let’s jump right into the first reason you should get prequalified….

Life Insurance Prequalification is Usually Free

This is a no-brainer folks. Life insurance prequalification is usually free and without obligation. If your broker asks you for a fee to pre-qualify you, you should find a new broker.

The best life brokers utilize prequalification as part of their normal process. But not all insurance brokers are created equal. If you’re working with an impersonal, call-center brokerage then they probably won’t bother going through the lengthy (and costly) prequalification process.

These types of insurance brokerages are focused on getting you in and out of their agency as soon as possible. In fact, we’ve heard that some agencies monitor how long their agents spend on the phone with each client and incentivize them to spend LESS time with you! Therefore, they skip some of the most important parts of the prequalification process, which we’ll explain later.  

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Benefits of Automated Forex Trading

For those that love trading, but are just too busy working or playing, must consider the benefits of automated forex trading. It may be hard to believe with all the trading exchanging markets in the world is that Forex is actually at the top when it comes to liquid financial market with an average estimated to be over $3 trillion every day. The truth is that this figure is expected to keep growing in the global market. The idea of the profits that can be obtained is attracting more investors. The one main reason is that when you trade currency it can be easily automated. For beginners, this is one of the best ways to help them with their trading … Read more

Why You Should Choose a Broker for Forex Trading

If you are thinking about investing in the stock market, but are unsure of how to even get started, then you need to seriously look into working with a brokerage. Having the knowledge, experience, and insight of a seasoned professional will be a guiding light as you work through the bonds, stocks, and other financial assets and jargon. This is why you should choose a broker. Even if you have never worked with brokers before, there is nothing to worry about. Read on for some basic starting points as well as why you should choose a broker near you. It can be a wise and fruitful decision. Choosing a Forex Broker For Trading What They Help With When you team up with … Read more

How Realistic Is The Cash Only Lifestyle?

How Realistic Is The Cash Only Lifestyle?

The following is a guest post by Steve Repak, CFP™. Steve is the author of “6 Week Money Challenge For Your Personal Finances“, a simple, step-by-step program founded on biblical principles paired with a CFP®’s understanding of modern wealth-management strategies.

How Realistic Is The Cash Only Lifestyle?How realistic is the cash only lifestyle? If you are in debt, you have probably heard over and over again that you should quit using credit cards and stick to cash only purchases.

In a previous article, I explained that for some people it actually hurts to break a large bill like a $20 so only using cash may help you get your spending under control. I wanted to share some of the risks and benefits of a cash only lifestyle and also show that you can still get out of debt if you want to use credit cards. If getting out of debt is your goal, there are three things you must do in order to succeed regardless of whether you use cash or credit:

  1. Spend less money than you take home each week
  2. Build an emergency savings
  3. Develop and follow a get-out-of-debt plan

How Realistic Is The Cash Only Lifestyle?

Cons of using cash

One of the biggest disadvantages of carrying cash is that you can lose it! If you lose your credit card you can cancel it and order a new one but I am afraid you just can’t do that if you lose your cash.

If you use an ATM to withdraw cash you may be charged fees, which is like throwing money away. Worse yet, flashing cash can make you a target for thieves.

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4 Binary Options Myths That Are Holding You Back

Binary Options Myths

Binary Options MythsTrading binaries can be a challenge, even when you understand how much potential they represent. One reason people often struggle with these trades is because of how many binary options myths are out there. Here’s a look at four of the most common ones you’ll want to be aware of.

Bonuses Go Hand-in-Hand with Trading

Just about every broker out there offers some type of bonus for signing up with them. To some degree, this is to be expected. It’s a cutthroat market at the moment, so every broker out there is doing their best to outsell their competitors. Maybe someday this will slow down a bit, but it’s not going to be any time soon.

Accepting a bonus isn’t a big deal, but it cannot be allowed to cloud your vision. Never pick a broker solely because of the bonuses they offer. In fact, you should ignore the bonuses altogether. Look for brokers with experience, solid reputations, good software and who are the right fit for where you are right now in your binary options trading journey.

Above all, never keep your money tied up with a broker because they’re giving you bonuses to do so. There is a long list of traders who have lost their shirts because they didn’t withdraw any money—to ensure they received attractive bonuses—and eventually it was too late.

Experience in the Stock Market Carries Over

Of all the binary options myths, this one may be one of the hardest for people to accept. Being a successful trader on the stock market can definitely help you succeed when you try your hand at binaries.

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Is Now The Right Time To Invest In Gold?

Is Now The Time To Invest In Gold?Do you invest in gold? Why have you invested in gold or chose not to invest in gold? Is now the best time to invest in the precious metal? Maybe, maybe not.

Financial markets have experienced high volatility since the start of the year. In January, US stocks dropped around 10%, while oil dropped approximately 35%, before both recovered in March.

This was as dovish tones from the Fed pushed markets up and oil-producing countries stated that they would restrict the supply of oil. Despite, markets recovering at the end of the first quarter, most analysts agree that 2016 be challenging year for the financial markets, nonetheless.

Gold Price Investing

In difficult markets, investors tend to look at so-called ‘safe haven’ assets as a store of value. Examples of safe haven assets would be German government bonds, US treasuries, and the Swiss franc. However, probably the most popular safe haven asset is gold. This explains why the price of gold has seen such a steep increase since the beginning of the year.

Year-to-date the price of gold has increased over 14% and gold has been one of the best performing asset classes so far this year. The price of gold is currently trading at around USD 1,224 per fine ounce, but many experts believe that there is still a lot of upside for the gold price in 2016.

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