It’s Time to Turn Your Setbacks into Greenbacks

Turn Setbacks into Greenbacks

Turn Setbacks into GreenbacksThe following is a guest post by Dr. Willie Jolley. Dr. Willie Jolley is the author of “Turn Setbacks Into Greenbacks: 7 Steps To Go From Financial Disaster to Financial Freedom“.

There’s a great Lenny Kravitz song that says, “It ain’t over ‘till it’s over.” Nowhere is this truer than in the world of business and finance. Whether you’re an independent business owner, an executive or work for an hourly wage, it can be absolutely devastating when things go wrong and everything that you’ve been planning for goes off course.

You may be reminded of chicken little and begin thinking that the sky is falling and you just want to give up. If you find yourself in this mindset, the first thing you should do is take a deep breath and find your focus.

Most of the world’s greatest successes faced major obstacles and challenges, yet managed to bounce back. You can do the same thing if you are ready to adapt, take advantages of opportunities and never give up.

Turn Setbacks Into Greenbacks

When it comes to going from financial disaster to financial freedom, it all starts with these seven steps.

Stop commiserating

People who sit around and commiserate are the people who would rather complain about problems than do anything to fix them. In the real world, things sometimes do happen that shouldn’t or are unfair. The real question is: how do you deal with it?

We can complain about the dark or we can light a candle and be a light in a dark world. We can’t change the past, but we can definitely move forward towards something better. The choice is yours.

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Forex 101: Essential Tech for Currency Trading Online

Essential Tech for Currency Trading Online

Essential Tech for Currency Trading OnlineAlthough the claim that 95% of forex traders lose money can be debated at length, this statistic does at least some insight into the challenges facing those who try their hand at currency trading online. While this market may deliver high, margin-based returns, for example, it is also prone to considerable volatility and can also suffer from sudden price movements.

It is certainly not a market for the feint-hearted, while beginners must also take the time to research the foreign exchange in detail before taking their initial steps. 

Essential Tech for Currency Trading Online

Forex Market and Currency Trading 101: Online Tips for beginners

While the rise of online trading outlets and brokerage firms such as ETX Capital many have removed many of the barriers to entry facing novice currency traders, the foreign exchange is still and extremely complex market that demands a great deal from beginners. With this in mind, here is a quick and basic guide to get you started: 

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Top 12 Critical Things You Should Know Before Buying A House

12 Things You Should Know Before Buying A House

The following is a guest post about what you need to know before buying a house by George Dokuchaev, a content writer at Prime Property Group. If you would like to write an article for Money Q&A, please visit our Guest Posting Guidelines page. 12 Things You Should Know Before Buying a House Buying a home can be complicated. Here are 12 things you need to know before buying a home in today’s market. It is not necessary to be a home owner. You should bear in mind that it is not necessary to become a homeowner, especially if it does not fit in with your lifestyle. Not everyone wants the responsibilities that go with owning a home. You may prefer to rent due … Read more

Employers Liability Insurance – Why Do You Need It?

Employers Liability Insurance - Why Do You Need It?

Employers Liability Insurance - Why Do You Need It?It’s a legal requirement for employers in England, Scotland and Wales (including those who run off-shore installations) to have insurance in place against liability for injury or disease to their employees as a result of their employment. This is known as employers liability insurance.

Employers have a legal responsibility for the health and safety of employees who work for them. The definition of ‘working for an employer’ depends on the nature of the employer/employee relationship, including the degree and nature of control that an employer has over work.

For example, if tax and national insurance are deducted by the employer from an employee’s earnings, or if the employer provides the tools and work equipment for the employee, this means they’re included in the cover.

Independent contractors who work for different companies aren’t covered by the employer’s liability insurance of those companies.

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What’s in Your Pocket Change? How To Start Coin Collecting

How To Start Coin Collecting

The following is a guest post. If you would like to write an article for Money Q&A, please visit our Guest Posting Guidelines page and then send me an email.

How To Start Coin CollectingCould you imagine a hobby that would enhance your appreciation of art, while expanding your knowledge in politics, history, and geography? You should consider coin collecting. This would help you gain and strengthen organizational skills, which means you’d have better opportunities socializing with other people who have the same interest.

If the answer is yes, then coin collecting might be perfect for you. So, the question is, would it be practical to embrace such a hobby?

Would coin collecting be valuable once you hit your golden years? The answer is yes, and we’d bet a bottom silver dollar on it. Here’s why.

History of Coin Collecting 

Coin collecting is very popular nowadays. In fact, a lot of collectors buy and collect coins for personal pleasure and enjoyment, but there are those who also see it as an investment.

In ancient times, coin collecting was a hobby that only appealed to royalty, and was known as the “Hobby of Kings”. Around the 14th century, coin collecting became seemingly popular and records of coin collecting began to mark history in numismatics. It wasn’t until the 19th century that coin collecting spread to other social classes.

Today, coin collecting is more systematized and extremely accessible. There are coin conventions almost anywhere you go, as well as a number of numismatic organizations to join.

Begin With Pocket Change

There are several levels of coin collecting. To start, here are some of the oldest coins that are worth more than the face value and could be in your pocket change.

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