How To Save Money With Lutron Dimmers

The following is a guest post. If you would like to write an article for Money Q&A, please visit our Guest Posting Guidelines page. More people start thinking about the new ways to save money for their household. It is not always an easy thing to manage your costs cutting and reduce your electricity and gas bills each month.  We have invented so many possible ways of economy that it is high time to write and publish the entire book dedicated to this problem. Just like an example we can look at water heater insulation, use of different times and controllers, etc. I want to talk today about dimmers. This is one more clever method of costs saving. There is no need to tread … Read more

How To Increase Your Online Conversion Rates

Increase Your Online Conversion RatesThere are ways that you can improve conversion rates with online ecommerce. Your website’s conversion rate is a measure that business owners can measure how many of their online visitors convert to a customer. Many businesses focus on the number of visitors, the amount of clicks on an ad or product link, and how many of those clicks result in a sale of the product or service.

Here are three of the most popular ways to improve conversion rates and get the most from your website, what you sell, and to give your customers the most value.

Best Ways To Increase Your Online Conversion Rates

1. Be Memorable – You should strive to be remembered. That is one of the best ways that you can increase your online conversion rates. I will often not click on a link that I receive over email right away.

I often think about it or save the email for even days at a time. But, customers remember great content or products or pitches and go back to them. If you are memorable, you can have great online conversion rates for your products and services.

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Understanding and Saving Money on Homeowners’ Insurance

The following is a guest post from Pete Briger. Pete serves as a Principal and Co-Chairman of the Board of Directors at Fortress Investment Group LLC. Fortress has become one of the preeminent investment management firms in the world and currently oversees more than $50 billion in assets. If you would like to write an article for Money Q&A, please visit our Guest Posting Guidelines page. It pays to fully understand the types of homeowners’ insurance out there so that you can decide on the policy that is right for you and your family. By understanding the structure and terminology that goes along with the insurance industry, you’ll be in a better position not only to select the best policy for your needs but … Read more

Business Liability And Why It Is Important For Your Finances

business liability insuranceAlthough upsetting and inconvenient at times, it is the undeniable and unavoidable truth that everyone makes mistakes; after all, we are only human. As a business owner, it can be more common than one would like to admit that unintentional accidents can and do happy and sometimes these accidents lead to injuries. Almost anyone who has been injured (physically and/or mentally) or suffered financially can file a claim against you, your company or your employees if said injury occurred in relation to your company. Without being able to predict such an incident it, is imperative to protect not only your employees and yourself as the owner, but the company in entirety.

So, how do you protect your business from such disheartening and troublesome incidents? Business liability insurance can and will help you and your business get through any type of situation, this form of insurance covers legal defense costs as well as any damages you may be obligated to pay in such an event. With a wide range of policies that are designed with your specific needs in mind, it is a matter of fact that the appropriate business liability insurance plan is out there to protect your business and yourself.

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11 Ways How to Easily Save Money in College

Save Money While In College

As a college student, finding ways to save money while in college poses a great challenge. It needs someone with self-control and discipline to achieve this. 11 Ways to Save Money while in College is a simple and elaborate guide to the success of saving money while in college. 11 Ways How to Easily Save Money in College One might be tempted along the way, but setting your sight on the ultimate gains must be the major goal. To achieve one’s goal, 11 Ways to Save Money while in College must act as a guide. The 11 ways are as follows: Creating a Budget Creating a budget is the first step in saving money in college. Maintaining a strict budget … Read more

Infographic: Bear vs. Bull Infographic. What’s Next For Gold?

What’s next for gold prices? Are you a bull or a bear about gold’s future? There are a lot of reasons to be positive or negative about the future of the price of gold. And don’t forget about inflation. Inflation plays a big role in the price of gold for investors. Gold prices gained about 9% in 2013 and inflation was next to nothing. If you were a bull on gold at the start of last year, that big move higher must have been great news. Add that momentum into this year’s forwards looking forecasts and many analysts believe we could see gold prices skyrocket. They’re forecasting gains as high as 40% next year! Now, if next year turns out … Read more