How to Save Money on Non-Negotiable Expenses

At the beginning of a new year, many of us make the brave decision to reassess our budgets and cut down on things we don’t need to be spending money on. Subscriptions get canceled and we make plans to cook more and get less takeout. However, if you’re already a frugal spender and don’t waste much, you might be wondering if there’s any way you could also trim down your budget even further. Cutting out luxuries and non-negotiable expenses and essentials isn’t the only way to free up space in your bank account – here are some essential expenses that you can reduce too. Insurance We all have to pay for insurance, but do we really need to be paying … Read more

How to Increase Your Value – What Your Organization Needs from You the Most

influence and impact

The following is a guest post by Bill Berman and George Bradt, the authors of Influence and Impact: Discover and Excel at What Your Organization Needs From You The Most. This blog post is about how to increase your value at your job or organization. If you’d like to submit a guest post to Money Q&A, be sure to check out the site’s guest posting guidelines. NOTE – This article is excerpted with permission of the publisher, Wiley, from Influence and Impact: Discover and Excel at What Your Organization Needs From You The Most by Bill Berman and George Bradt. Copyright (c) 2021 by Bill Berman and George Bradt. All rights reserved. This book is available at all bookstores and online booksellers. … Read more

Mistakes to Avoid When Launching a Business

Tax Write Offs

Even with the influx of innovative ways to start a business, not every business will succeed. While every business starts with passion, scaling comes down to one thing: proper financial management. If you’ve been thinking about opening your business, here are five financial mistakes you need to avoid when launching a business. Overspending Getting business off the ground is an investment. So, even if you’re going to be selling exclusively online, you need the right tools to get started launching a business. It’s not uncommon for new business owners to go overboard when setting up shop. From buying a new computer to investing in inventory, things can add up quickly. Unfortunately, without a return on investment, you can go under … Read more

What Is a Bad Credit Loan?

Since loan providers consider people (or companies) with poor credit riskier than other borrowers, having a poor credit score can make it difficult to get a loan, especially one with competitive interest rates.  If your poor credit score is preventing you from qualifying for a personal loan, there are a number of different options available to you. While secured loans may not be available, one option is an unsecured personal or bad credit loan. What Is “Bad Credit”? Bad credit is typically reflected by a low credit score. This tends to be based on historical transactions including late bills and missed payments, in addition to your current financial situation. People might need to take out a loan for many different … Read more

What Does Basic Home Insurance Cover?

Most insurance companies offer basic home insurance. But not everyone knows what this insurance package covers. So it’s only normal to ask, “What does basic home insurance cover?”  To save you the stress of combing through a myriad of information, we’ve put together a comprehensive answer to the question. So, let’s get to it! What Does Basic Home Insurance Cover? Basic home insurance covers fire, explosion and implosion, theft, natural disaster, water leaks, smoke damage, and more that affect the house and its contents. Fire damage constitutes most of the frequent claims, and it’s the only mandatory coverage for all real estate. It’s important to check the exact coverages you’ll be getting on your insurance plan. You don’t want to … Read more

3 Simple Tips for Managing Your Family Finances

Earning and managing your family finances can be highly stressful. Regardless of how much money you are bringing to the table, you must handle your family finances wisely to avoid relationship conflicts and long-term financial challenges. If you are struggling to make ends meet or want to positively impact your family finances, here are three simple tips that you might find useful. Know your current financial status To effectively organize your family finances, you first need to know where you stand financially. Difficult as it may be, you need to sit down with your partner and assess your current situation. Talking about money might be uncomfortable at first, but it is a vital step you need to take to help … Read more