5 Ways Your Credit Card Can Get Hacked and What to Do About It

Paying Off Credit Card Debt

As the world evolved, there has been a significant growth of people using various methods of payment. The appealing offers from banks and various private organizations luring users lead to the growth of card payments. Today almost every commercial business owner has more than one credit card issued in their name. There has been a preference for conducting major transactions of significant value through credit cards to make the most out of them. However, this growing preference has also attracted criminals to carry out their cyber crimes with technological advancements. There have been constant reports of credit card frauds surfacing in recent times. Cyberpunks have been using all the tricks in their books to steal identity, which eventually helps to … Read more

Should I Trade Forex Full-Time or Just Supplement My Income?

The lure of trading is powerful. People often dream of having all the money they could ever need and the fastest way to this is often the most attractive. For the majority of ordinary people, working a 9-5 office job or earning a living doing something that they don’t really want to do is a reality that is hard to escape. The question is often asked, should I sacrifice a stable income and risk everything to strive for my goals or should I employ a side-hustle and risk never realizing my ambitions? Unfortunately, risk and reward are intertwined – so this fundamental choice has to be discussed. Trading has always been a fascinating endeavor for people, largely because of the … Read more

What Is the Best Gold-Backed Cryptocurrency?

To counteract the notorious volatility of the crypto market, a digital currency backed by precious metals was created. Along with silver and platinum is the metal that has been sought-after by many for centuries: gold. Gold-backed cryptocurrency is a type of stablecoin where each token pegged to the value of physical gold. With the token price connected to the current price of gold, there is comparatively less price volatility than Bitcoin or other altcoins. Its ever-growing status as being a reliable investment has led to the creation of diverse tokens and various trading platforms, such as Goldexchange.com. While gold-backed cryptocurrencies have always been an interesting topic of discussion in the crypto space, there was a resurgence in their popularity last … Read more

Can You Use a Credit Card to Put a Down Payment on a Car?

It is possible to use a credit card to make a down payment on a car. However, there are several drawbacks. For starters, some dealers limit the amount you can charge on your card. Additionally, it’s really only a good idea to do this if you can pay off the balance quickly because credit cards tend to have high-interest rates. Therefore, if you don’t have cash on hand for a down payment, it’s better to get an auto loan for the entirety of the car’s purchase. This is because a car loan tends to have lower interest rates than a credit card. However, there are some situations where using a credit card to put a down payment on a car … Read more

How to Get a Business Loan for Your Startup?

When a business starts, it requires capital for its initial phase and its growth. In most cases, people use business startup loans to finance their businesses due to a lack of capital. A business owner can use this loan to purchase furniture, equipment, supplies, real estate, machinery, and inventory. The following are ways on how to get a business loan for your startup; SBA 7(a) Loans. In most scenarios, the Small Business Administration does not make loans; instead, it assures them. There are many different kinds of Small Business Administration loans, and the 7(a) package is the most common as it offers up to five million dollars worth of loans. There are several qualifications required to get the loan, such … Read more

4 Important Lessons That Your Kids Need to Learn About Money

With cell phones, television, makeup, and cultural pressure, children as young as elementary school are learning certain realities of the world. As kids grow and develop, it is important that they are equipped with the resources they need to navigate life successfully. How to Learn About Money One important area of maturity that children do not typically understand is money. Many students that leave for college are not prepared to financially manage life in the “real world.” It’s important that parents teach their children about managing finances adequately. In this article, we will share four important lessons that your kids need to learn about money. 1. Money Does Not Determine Self-Worth Many teens struggle because they compare themselves to others. … Read more