5 Best Reasons to Invest in Bitcoin in the 2020s

By now you’ve probably heard of the new digital currency called Bitcoin or BTC. However, it is neither new nor is it a true currency. It’s been around for 12 years, and the term currency can be misleading because you can’t really go into a Mcdonald’s, order a happy meal and pay in Bitcoin. Not yet anyway. So if Bitcoin isn’t a currency then what is it exactly? And should you invest in bitcoin? This is one of those ask 5 people and you’ll get 5 different answers kinds of questions. For certain it is a store of value that is decentralized. Or, in other words, like the fiat currency in your wallet (all those dollar bills), it is not … Read more

How Much Money Do Crypto Exchanges Make?

Crypto exchanges are both loved and hated in the digital currency world.  Entities like Coinbase, Binance, and Kraken have made it simple for countless people to buy, sell, and trade digital currencies. Many assume these entities make a huge profit with many transactions and massive trade volume seen on many exchanges. A cryptocurrency exchange makes money off of a variety of factors, including deposit and withdrawal fees and fees levied on crypto transactions.  Despite the notoriety of popular digital currencies like Bitcoin, figuring out how much money an exchange makes can be a tricky endeavor. In 2018, Binance made about $3.5 million dollars per day, while the top 20 exchanges as a whole took in about $1 million in profit … Read more

4 Tips for Working with Professional Contractors

The only constant in the business world is change. Indeed, even the most successful organizations must adapt in order to survive. As such, this often means that business leaders need to develop connections with freelancers and professional contractors for additional help from time to time. After all, businesses may need assistance with a myriad of different projects –– from marketing and advertising to construction and expansion. With all that in mind, today we’ll share four tips that business leaders can use to ensure positive interactions with them for years to come. Check them out here: Identify Needs Sometimes, businesses require the assistance of professional contractors for a very specific purpose. If, for example you’re building a second location for your … Read more

Saving for a Down Payment on a House

Buying a home is exciting no matter if you are a first-time buyer or a seasoned homeowner. Either way, one of the first steps in the process is going to be an assessment of your finances. Before you look to lenders to present approval amounts you will want to have money saved up to allocate towards a down payment on the loan. Down payments vary in size based off not just the total amount on the mortgage but also the preference of the purchaser and offering a big down payment can save you a lot of money in the long run. Saving for a down payment differs in style from other large savings goals like retirement for example because unlike … Read more

Money Management Tips for Trading Volatile Markets

Financial markets had been increasingly volatile in 2020 and because of that, money management became even more important for retail traders. For those worried about recent volatile markets, risk can be managed even during difficult times, and the best way to do it can be summarized into 4 simple tips. Tip #1 Analyze risk and then reward Although large price moves can create FOMO (fear of missing out) and enthusiasm among beginners, this isn’t the right trading approach. A professional trader will first analyze risk and only then the potential reward. In doing so, a lot of trading setups will look like “missed opportunities, but in the longer run, ignoring risky situations will result in a smoother performance, lower account … Read more

Do You Have an Emergency Fund?

The coronavirus pandemic may have served as a wake-up call that life can be unpredictable, contingency plans should be put in place to help mitigate uncertainties. An emergency fund should be part of your financial plan. What is an emergency fund? Many people prefer to be optimistic, focusing on short-term positives, rather than negative potentially long-term situations. This can include fender benders, job losses, geysers bursting and medical emergencies; they can be seen as an inevitable part of life. So, it’s worthwhile considering drawing up a solid financial plan that makes provision for unplanned expenses. A knowledgeable independent financial adviser would typically advise you to implement an emergency fund as a starting point for your portfolio and explore investment management … Read more