The Secret to Successful Startup Teams You Need to Know

This article about startup teams was originally published on StartupNation How do you build the best startup teams? Entrepreneurship is a wild ride, with huge challenges, exhilarating ups and formidable downs. It’s more essential than ever that you bond and mesh with your co-founders and first hires. Today’s dramatic shift to remote work demands that you take charge of your identity and path. How do you bring your best self to this all-out effort?  We think a great place to start is our new book, The Entrepreneur’s Faces: How Makers, Visionaries and Outsiders Succeed. Begin by finding your own entrepreneurial type, and you’ll be well on your way to forging stronger startup teams and more productive collaborations. Success comes from … Read more

Borrowing Intelligently – What Should You Know?

When it comes to taking loans, there are all sorts of opinions on the topic. A lot of people say you should avoid loans to keep out of debt, while others think some borrowing is healthy. Regardless of your opinion, you will most likely have to take a loan at some point in your life. This means that you may need to know how to go about borrowing intelligently. What does this mean, though? Well, essentially, by considering the suggestions below, you may be able to make yourself more aware regarding what you are getting yourself into. This can help you to avoid nasty traps, such as unmanageable debt, further down the line. Understand the other options In some situations, … Read more

Why Businesses Still Use Paper Checks in Their Business Today

While advances in technology characterize today’s world, it’s still absurd that finding time to transfer funds or making payments can be utterly difficult. With coordinating compliance, reconciling bank accounts to managing financial reports, there has never been enough time to fully carry out a transaction. At the same time, time is reduced when there are different operating systems or use paper checks with a given business. Yet, paper checks still reign supreme in almost all business transactions in 2020. Apart from them being here for decades, most companies still prefer them over other methods of payment. But with all technological advances and in the B2B market, why do they still dominate when it comes to business transactions? Why Businesses Still … Read more

A Guide to Online Stock Trading, Placing a Trade, and Maximizing Profits

It’s vital to enlighten yourself before considering any form of investment or investment plan. By reading this beginner’s manual to online stock trading, you will know where to start and everything you need. So, with these basics, you’ll be more confident when evaluating your options, placing a trade, and choosing a brokerage.  Pick an online broker. If you don’t have a brokerage account, you must open one with an esteemed online stock brokerage firm. To ensure that you’re picking the most refined online stockbroker, spend quality time researching for brokers that match your situation. While researching, take into account factors like trading commission fees and how intuitive the website is. Also, consider any research or informative resources available for clients. … Read more

How to Make Money with Passive Income Ideas with the Things You Love

If you’re looking for ways to generate extra income, which can keep making money while you spend your time doing the things you love, here are five easy-to-start passive income ideas to get you thinking. How to Make Money with Passive Income Ideas 1. Rent some space While you’re probably thinking that here we mean hosting people on sites like Airbnb, this doesn’t have to mean that you’ll constantly be looking after guests. Why not rent out your home while you’re travelling, and leave the logistics to a property management company. They’ll organize cleaning, before and after a rental, key handover, and provide a point of contact for your guests. Of course, that will eat into your income a little, but … Read more

Different Ways to Invest Outside of the Stock Market

When it comes to investing, stocks are certainly one of the most popular types. However, with high-risk and complicated procedures, it’s understandably not for everyone. If you’re looking for another way to grow your finances, then keep on reading! In this article, we are going to take a look at different ways to invest outside of the stock market. Real estate While real estate might require a higher amount of savings for start-up, it’s one investment type that can certainly generate a high yield of profit. Most investors start with a rental property, but you can also consider renovating and reselling a property for a higher value. Compared to other types, it’s a great long-term solution and isn’t as risky … Read more