5 Strategies for Surviving the Open Workspace Office Plan

301 Smart Answers to Tough Interview Questions

The following is a guest post by Vicky Oliver, the best-selling author of five books, including 301 Smart Answers to Tough Interview Questions. In this guest post, she writes about thriving in an open workspace. If you’d like to be considered for a future guest post on Money Q&A, check out our guest posting guidelines. We’ve become accustomed to looking to the tech industry for innovation when it comes to how we communicate. But one idea that tech mavens made popular, the open workspace office plan, is proving to be a flop — actually hindering the communication it is intended to promote. Companies as diverse as energy bar maker Clif Bar, financial services company Square, and gaming company Kixeye have opted … Read more

Using the ADX to Trade the Major Stocks Like a Pro

What Is A Stock Split?

Stock trading is not a child’s game. It is one of the most sophisticated investment businesses in the world. Those who are trading the stock market for a long period of time, knows the importance of timing and proper trade execution. If you do things in the wrong way, you are bound to lose money.  The majority of the traders in Hong Kong use the indicators to find the perfect setup in the stock market. But indicators need to be used in a very precise way. In fact, you need to know which indicators will suit them best. Choosing the wrong indicators can result in big losses and force you to lose money most of the time. ADX, often known … Read more

Top 5 Tips for Hiring a Freelancer for the First Time

How You Can Make Money on Fiverr

The business landscape is evolving rapidly. Of course, the COVID-19 outbreak has facilitated many of these changes. Still, even before the coronavirus, many businesses were turning to freelancers for additional support. Hiring a freelancer to help. Hiring a Freelancer for the First Time Now, many companies may have no choice but to partner with freelancers to complete important tasks. Given all that, today we’re going to share five helpful tips that business leaders can use hiring a freelancer and ensure positive outcomes for their company. Check them out here. Start Small In general, business leaders should assign their most important projects to trusted, full-time employees. This is a fairly obvious managerial best practice. Rather than entrusting a make-or-break assignment to … Read more

5 Ways to Fund Emergency Medical Situations for Your Family

unexpected hospital bills

If you’re financially conscious, you’ve likely planned ahead for emergencies. However, some situations — especially medical — are hard to plan for, even for the fiscally responsible. Whether you’re covering expenses for yourself, your kids, your parents, or even your dog, there are plenty of ways to fund emergency medical situations for your family. Below, we’ll discuss five ways financially conscious planners like you can cover these unexpected expenses. 1. Use Your Emergency Fund An emergency fund can ensure that you can cover any expenses that come up unexpectedly, including medical expenses. If you don’t already have one, start an emergency fund so that you’re prepared when life throws you the next curveball. Start by writing out a list of … Read more

How to Recover from a Financial Hardship as Quickly as Possible

Former boxer Mike Tyson is not an obvious source of sage wisdom. Yet, he’s credited with one quote that will ring true for many professionals right now: “Everyone has a plan until they get hit in the mouth.” And, you can recover from financial hardship with a plan. How to Recover from a Financial Hardship The sad reality is that millions of Americans are currently bearing the terrible brunt of the COVID-19 pandemic. Beyond the obvious suffering of many people with the disease, millions more are struggling financially due to reduced hours, canceled contracts, or even downsizing. With that in mind, today we’ll share an action plan for how you can recover from financial hardship. Check out our guide here … Read more

How to Make Big Investments with Confidence

Consumers make purchases every day. They buy gasoline, groceries, light bulbs, socks, and a myriad of other small items. Some are functional, while others are meant for strict enjoyment. Still, a small purchase –– even a very good or bad one –– isn’t going to have much of an impact on your overall financial situation. Rather, it’s the big investments that could set you up for long-term success or strife. With that in mind, today we’ll explain how you can approach those big investments with confidence to ensure that you’re making a smart decision. Bring in a Professional Never underestimate the importance of a second opinion. No matter how confident you are in a given purchase decision, it’s always a … Read more