4 Essential Tips that All First-Time Car Buyers Should Know

While purchasing a car – especially for first-time buyers – can be an exciting and exhilarating experience, there’s a lot that you’ll need to manage. After all, getting big-ticket items like automobiles often requires a considerable commitment of financial resources. And you’ll have a much better chance of acquiring the vehicle that you want without spending more than you need to with a little bit of planning and research. To this end, here are some essential tips that all first-time car buyers should know.  1. Evaluate your needs Before you start shopping, it’s crucial to evaluate what you need out of the vehicle first. After all, assessing both your lifestyle as well as the driving conditions that you’re likely to … Read more

Startups 101: How to Acquire Funding for Your Business Today!

When it comes to starting a business, the most crucial would be the search for funding. While you might be able to acquire funding just enough to get started, the well might run dry before you can realize your company’s potential. On the other hand, if you acquired your funding through a loan and borrowed too much money, you will likely have to deal with boosted interest without any means of making a decent profit. It can be quite tricky to acquire funding, especially since most startups cannot handle more than a few bad business decisions. Fortunately, acquiring funds for your startup does not have to be such a problematic process. The dawn of the digital age has brought people … Read more

Is Now a Good Time to Invest?

The following is a guest post by Gal Greene. The stock market is notoriously unpredictable, even more so in the midst of the Coronavirus pandemic. This means that deciding exactly when and how to invest your money can get pretty tricky. That said, there have been a few recent signs that should point investors in the right direction. So, is now a good time to invest in the stock market? If so, what is the best place to invest money right now? We will answer both of these questions and more, but first, let’s look at how the markets have moved during this ever-worsening pandemic. Investing During the Coronavirus Pandemic The markets have been in a volatile state over the … Read more

Top 8 Practical Ways to Increase Your Savings Right Now!

Why It Makes Sense to Have an Online Savings Account

Looking for practical ways to increase your savings? There are plenty of small changes you can make to your finances to help you sock away more of your income each month. Implement some or all of the eight tips below and watch your savings stack up. Ways to Increase Your Savings 1. Save As Soon As You Get Paid Rather than seeing how much cash you have leftover at the end of the month, put that amount you want to save into a separate account on payday to increase your savings. This effectively means you’re paying yourself first.  If you keep your anticipated savings in your normal checking account until the end of the month, it’s harder to keep it … Read more

5 Steps to Protect Your Smartphone from Being Hacked

You may think that it’s only big businesses that get hacked. Just because you are not rich, or important doesn’t mean that you are immune from hackers trying to access your data through your phone or other means. In fact, you may be more at risk since big businesses have companies like Nok Nok that work to protect your smartphone. You’re responsible for keeping your own data secure, so it is easier for hackers to access your phone or email. It’s like pickpockets vs bank robbers. Banks are where there’s a lot of money, but not everybody decides to rob a bank. Sometimes it’s just easier to lift a wallet. How to Protect Your Smartphone In this article, I will … Read more

How to Calculate Earnings Per Share Growth Easily?

Young Investors Hold Too Much Cash in Their Portfolios

Earnings Per Share Growth is used to determine the profitability of a company by determining how much is the profit of the company per share of common stock outstanding after taking into account important stock dividends paid out during that particular year. In simple words, Earnings Per Share Ratio measures the amount of a company earns allocated on a per share basis. A company with higher earnings per share growth indicates that it has more profit for investors besides if you have funds you can invest it back into your business for generating more profit. A higher Earnings per Share Ratio indicates high investment. It is worthwhile to be noted at this point that Earnings per Share Growth Ratio is … Read more