Stop Leaking Cash by Becoming Financially Literate and Save More Money


The following is a guest post by Harry N. Stout, the author of the FinancialVerse books and the free newsletter Moneysavers. If you’d like to submit a guest post like this one about being financially literate or any other topic to Money Q&A, be sure to check out our guest posting guidelines. Do you want to be better off financially and stop leaking your valuable cash? Being financially literate just might do the trick. What I have found is that a lack of financial literacy can be financially and psychologically costly. I write extensively about this in my FinancialVerse books and content ( Despite a booming economy, record corporate profits, a healthy stock market, fifty-year low levels of unemployment, and … Read more

Top 7 Simple and Smart Tips for Business Savings You Need Now

How to Increase Your Business Return on Investment

Your business is important to you, and so is the money you make from it. That’s why it makes sense to save as much as possible and find business savings. 7 Business Savings Tips Saving is fundamentally about being smart and practical. Here are 7 smart, practical business savings tips to get you started. 1. Get Smart About Business Meetings It’s surprisingly easy to waste money when scheduling a business meeting. You don’t know where to go, so you choose the first venue that you stumble across and that sounds appealing, and they require you to book for the whole day, and the catering is expensive – and before you know it, you’ve spent far more than you should. Do … Read more

How to Deal with a Sudden Unemployment or a Loss of Income

How to Deal with a Sudden Unemployment

We can never be sure what is around the corner in life and this is true in work as well as everything else and we can all find ourselves on the receiving end of bad financial news in a job loss or serious dent in income if we are self-employed. Often with a company, they can announce sudden unemployment or down-size and make you redundant or even go out of business entirely. Deal with Your Exit from Your Employer Be sure that you are careful after a sudden unemployment to look at your contract to be sure that you are aware of everything that is in your contract. Often in the chaos of being made redundant or losing your job, … Read more

Coping in the Aftermath of a Burglary


Returning home, or even waking up on a morning, to find that you have been burgled is a terrible thing. It can take a long time to feel safe and secure within your property again and can have an impact on many areas of your everyday life. Continue reading for our top tips for coping in the aftermath of a burglary. How to Cope After a Burglary Immediate action Upon immediate realization that intruders have been in your property and stolen from you, it is vital that you call the authorities straight away. Do not touch anything at all and resist the temptation to go treading through the house. If you do so, you may destroy crucial evidence and thus … Read more

Why You Should Invest in Gold IRA?

Principles of a Forex Trader

When it comes to retirement and retirement planning, every cent has to be maximized. Today, people are not funding only 10 years after they retire. They may have to fund up to 30 years after exiting the workforce. One way a person can protect their retirement savings is to invest in gold and invest in gold ira. Here are six reasons why you should invest in Gold IRA. Resistant Against Inflation One of the things that make the Gold IRA attractive is that this type of retirement account is resistant against inflation. The economy still has not fully recovered from the dotcom crash of the early 2000s. It also has not fully recovered from the housing crash of 2008. While … Read more

Top 7 Steps to Help You Save for Your Next Big Purchase

There are few moments in life that require major investment decisions. Buying a new vehicle, investing in a home, or even purchasing a big-ticket item that has personal meaning to you often requires serious and committed financial planning. Whether you have experience with purchasing real estate and large items in the past or if you are new to the process altogether, there are a few tips and guidelines to abide by to ensure that you are capable of saving for any purchase you have your eye on, regardless of the price tag. Determine The Amount You Need to Save Before you can invest in a big-ticket item, you must first determine the amount of money required for the item, service, … Read more