Setting Up an Estate Plan – 10 Reasons to Do It Now

Setting Up an Estate Plan

Famed pop musician Prince passed away suddenly in April 2016, felled by the opioid epidemic ravaging America. As fans across the world mourned, reports emerged that the “Purple One” had died intestate — without a will outlining his final wishes, nor a trust set up for the benefit of his heirs. Prince’s situation was further complicated by his lack of direct heirs. He had no living children, who’d normally stand to inherit his vast wealth. After months of contentious legal battles, Prince’s several surviving half-siblings walked away with the lion’s share of his fortune, shrunk considerably by legal fees. The whole mess could have been avoided with a comprehensive estate plan. To be fair, most of Prince’s A-list compatriots do … Read more

Five Red Flags Proper Bookkeeping Can Warn You About

Save Money in Your Small Business

As a small business owner in today’s highly competitive economic climate, it’s vitally important to make sure your company’s financial records stay up to date. If you’ve been doing your own bookkeeping, but you notice that more than a week has gone by since the last time you reconciled your accounts receivable with your accounts payable, it’s probably time to begin thinking about outsourced bookkeeping. Outsourcing your bookkeeping will free up a lot of time that you may be able to spend more profitably to grow your business. This solution may also help you better identify warning signs that mean you need to change some of your business practices. Here are some bookkeeping red flags that should alert you to the … Read more

6 Things to Know Before Buying a Used Car

If you are in need of a new vehicle, think twice before heading straight to the new car dealership. When it comes to getting your money’s worth, buying a used car is a much better way to go: when you buy a used car, you know that the biggest depreciation already has taken place. And while buying a used car has its obvious financial advantages, there are still a few details to be aware of before starting your search. Here are six things you need to know before buying a used car. Set your budget Setting your budget early on in the car-buying process will help you avoid difficult situations down the road. There’s a reason why wedding dress consultants … Read more

Claiming for Uniform Tax Rebate

If you need to wear work uniform or special work clothes, you may want to know more about the uniform tax rebate. Although you may be eligible for the uniform tax rebate, it does not automatically apply to your tax account. It is important for you to request for this uniform tax rebate. Here’s what you should know about making the claim. Claiming for Uniform Tax Rebate Eligibility In order to be eligible for claiming the uniform tax rebate, you have to fulfill a list of requirements: First of all, you should be the one paying the income tax for the year that you are applying for the claim. Next, your work clothes should clearly show that you are working … Read more

Why It Just Makes Sense to Have an Online Savings Account

The following is a post from Clint Haynes, a Certified Financial Planner® and Financial Advisor in Kansas City, Missouri. He is also the founder and owner of NextGen Wealth. If you’d like to contribute a guest post, check out Money Q&A’s guest posting guidelines. If you’re reading this, then you probably have some kind of understanding of online conveniences. Maybe you also check your email or shop online. The point is that the virtual world offers some real advantages, even in ways that you might not have considered.  Take banking, for instance, and online savings accounts, in particular. You might be thinking: “I already have a savings account. Why do I need another?” I’m about to tell you why and … Read more

4 Tips to Save Money and Time with Your Short-Term Rentals

Save Money and Time with Your Short-Term Rentals

Property management is often a stressful industry. This is especially true for landlords who offer short-term rentals through sites such as Rentbelly. The fact is, when you offer these types of rentals, you are going to find two things that are in short supply – money and time. To better manage your short-term rentals, you have to know the challenges that go along with this industry and find ways to offer superior service without sacrificing the quality of your guest’s experiences. The good news is, there are a few tips you can use to manage your short-term rental properties and make the entire process more rewarding and less stressful. Use the tips here to help streamline the management of these … Read more