Pivot Points vs Bollinger Bands – Which is the Most Accurate Forex Market Indicator?

Pivot Points vs Bollinger Bands

Pivot Points vs Bollinger BandsCompetition in the forex market can be brutal. Trading on gut instinct alone isn’t the smartest market strategy when it comes to maximizing your profits. One of the first things most new forex traders learn is the importance of strategy combined with useful tools.

Some strategies are very complicated and beyond the scope of the beginner or even intermediate forex trader. Likewise, some tools necessitate programming algorithms using Python, C++, R, Matlab or other quantitative programming languages.

Pivot Points vs Bollinger Bands

Fortunately, there are a couple of tools that many forex traders use to enhance their trading. These are the Bollinger Bands and the Pivot Point Indicator.

Bollinger Bands

Bollinger Bands are a popular technical analysis technique. Basically, they are bands two standard deviations above the moving average and two standard deviations below the moving average. They are very useful in determining the trading range and volatility of a currency pair.

As volatility in the market increases, the bands expand, and when the market volatility decreases, the bands shrink. The bands also provide guidance as to pricing trends since prices tend to meet resistance as they approach the upper band and find support as they reach the lower bands.

Pivot Point Indicators

A pivot point is a price point that represents a possible change in pricing direction. It is calculated using a formula that includes the previous day’s high, low, and close. The pivot point represents a point of resistance or support in the market. By knowing where the pivot points are, traders can utilize several strategies to take advantage of them.

One of these is the pivot point bounce where traders can trade on the pivot point and take advantage of a change in price direction. Another is the pivot point breakout where traders can bet that their currency pair is going to break through the resistance or support and make significant gains.

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Understanding The Benefits Of Car Title Loans

Car Title

Car title loans are some of the most popular types of loans today which is one of the benefits of car title loans. This is mainly because they are easy to access and are tied to very few requirements or restrictions.

Unlike bank loans that demand a whole bunch of conditions including stellar credit score, guarantors, and collateral, car loans come with very few restrictions. Often you simply only need to have the title of your car in order to get a short-term loan.

In addition to this, little paperwork is often needed with a car title loan applications being approved in record time. When faced with a financial crisis that needs money fast, title loans can help you get back on your feet quickly. Reduce your total credit card payments by up to 30% to 50% with Debt.com.

Below are some of the benefits of car title loans you need to know.

Benefits Of Car Title Loans

Swift Cash Access

Any car owner with a steady income can apply for a car title loan. Applying for the loan is relatively easy as you can do it online or visit the merchants’ physical location. Upon filling in all the required paperwork, a representative then takes photos of the car and schedules a day to collect the title.

You can as well come equipped with the car title to facilitate faster processing. Once everything checks out, you can have the money wired or transferred to an account of your choosing. Most of these loans take between 24 hours to a few days for them to be approved.

Credit Score Doesn’t Matter

Your credit score doesn’t matter. It’s all about you having the title to your vehicle in hand. With the tough economic times and most people finding it hard to maintain a stellar credit history, more and more people are unable to access conventional loans. This is because banks and other loaning institutions have to pull an applicant’s credit report before processing the loan request.

This, however, isn’t the case with car title loans. All the lender needs are your car title and nothing more to process the loan. The few restrictions are what makes most people go for a title loan and stay away from conventional bank loans.

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Pricey Problems: Handling the Financial Fixes Life Unexpectedly Brings

How Much Is Flood Insurance?

Found yourself in a sudden financial fix? It happens to almost everyone. These are hard money times for a whole lot of people in a whole lot of places. Of course, this forlorn financial fact doesn’t make it any easier when a money disaster happens to you.

How to Handle Unexpected Financial Disasters

A financial disaster tends to occur at the worst possible time. Read what we’re about to tell you, and you will be better equipped to handle life’s unexpected money disasters.

Expecting the unexpected

How Much Is Flood Insurance?One’s financial condition can change overnight. No, it’s not fun to think about, but it is imperative that one is prepared.

If you lost your job, had an unforeseen medical emergency, or lost a lengthy lawsuit, would you be able to cope? What would you do if your family car blew a head gasket and required pricey repairs?

If lightning hit your house, would you be able to pay for emergency roof repairs? Anticipating a surprise cash crisis can help you deal with it if and when it happens. And it probably will.

Of course, it’s not always a single event that sends a person’s finances swirling down the drain. Sometimes, a number of nagging worries build to the breaking point, facilitating a veritable tidal wave of fear, stress, and anxiety. You’d probably fare a whole lot better if you had a backup plan in place. Expect the unexpected, and know what to do when a surprising money mess befalls your budget.

Managing an out of the blue move

Not all money misfortunes are the result of something awful. A person working their way up the corporate ladder may be asked to relocate to a new city to accept a higher position. While this could be fabulous news to the person being promoted, it can also be a big unexpected expense. Being transferred to accept a better job can be costly. In fact, count on it being a budget breaker unless you have an emergency savings plan in place.

The cost of moving companies and temporary accommodations in a new location can be massive. In many cases, the employer requesting the relocation will pick up some or all of the moving expenses, but it’s still wise to have a buffer of backup money, explains US News.

Steps back to financial solvency

The first step toward financial recovery is identifying the source of the problem. Do you overspend on unnecessary items? Do you remit only the minimum monthly payments on high-interest credit cards? Money woes often follow a period of financial mismanagement.

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Foodie Turned Restaurateur? How to Open Your Own Restaurant Eatery

Every foodie dreams of owning a little eatery, café or restaurant. Nothing sounds better than owning a beautiful establishment filled with your favorite goodies, whether it be exquisite pastries, signature pastas, or Japanese fusion cuisine.

Once you start dreaming, the ideas bubble up. Yet opening a restaurant isn’t so simple. Running a restaurant is demanding and saps a lot of your energy.

How to Open Your Own Restaurant

How to Open Your Own RestaurantMost restaurants close within the first five years, so investing can become a huge financial burden. It takes true dedication and passion for becoming a successful restaurateur, but you too can achieve this ultimate goal. Here are the basic steps to own an eatery of your own.

Create a Concept

When guests go to a restaurant, they don’t just want food; they want an entire atmosphere including scenery, ambiance and excellent cuisine. The restaurant industry is extremely competitive, so you want to make sure you stand out. In order to do this, you need to create a concept. The concept is the all-encompassing experience you want your guests to have.

For most, the concept derives from the food. Will you serve Italian, French, American, Vietnamese, or a new experimental concept? Perhaps you’re inspired by your mother’s cooking when you were a child or you’re a chef who specializes in seafood. These are all important factors to consider when designing the restaurant.

Next, you need to understand your clientele. Successful upscale restaurants, trendy eateries, bars, fast food and more all have a distinct atmosphere that keeps people coming. There is always something special about a successful restaurant that sticks in the mind of customers and it’s not just the food.

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Top 5 Tips to Find Better Trucking Finance for Your Business

Tips to Find Better Trucking Finance

Tips to Find Better Trucking FinanceWith many Canadians taking on trucking and transportation jobs, the need for truck finance has been on the rise. The only sad thing about the trucking business here is that very few business owners own a truck for themselves.

Those that do only have one or two trucks, which means they cannot meet the demand out there. It is at this point that truck finance comes into play.

5 Tips to Find Better Trucking Finance

While you may qualify for trucking finance, it would be wise to check the various options available and other features that can help you save even more. Some of the key features to look for when shopping for financing include:

Budget For Repayments

While it would be advisable to go for adequate and manageable truck financing, take some time to determine how much you can put out in repayments. Consider going for an affordable truck financing option, and one can be managed easily.

Trucks are supposed to be a significant investment; this may mean you have to pay much more in monthly repayments that you anticipated. Nevertheless, going for a financing option such as unsecured truck finance or others befitting your financial goals and circumstances would be an excellent idea.

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An Introduction to Online Trading Platforms

Guide to Online Trading Platforms

Trading on the financial markets can be a good thing to consider if you have some capital you’d like to try and increase through good investment. There are lots of different styles of trading, from day trading with CFDs to playing the stock market, and you can choose the markets that interest you most whether it is the foreign exchange market, which is strongly affected by current affairs, stocks and shares, or commodities like precious metals, food and oil.

Guide to Online Trading Platforms

How Online Trading Has Developed

The advent of online trading platforms is what has made it possible for ordinary people to get involved in some of these markets. In the past, before fast internet connections and good trading software, some markets like forex were really only accessible to banks and other professionals, and trading stocks and shares were far more difficult than it is now. 

Of course, the fact it is now also possible to access so much financial news from all over the world instantly, and join communities where people share their trading experiences and tips also makes becoming a good trader far easier in the internet age. If you are looking to get started, then as well as doing some online research into what to trade and how to create your strategy, you’ll also need to know a bit about trading platforms and be able to choose one that will work for you.

What Are Online Trading Platforms?

A good online trading platform is essentially a full environment in which you can execute your trades in real time, follow price changes, and access some market analysis. You gain access to a trading platform by having an account, which you can deposit money into and withdraw any money that isn’t tied up in trades from.

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