Top 6 Questions Everyone Should Ask Before Getting Engaged

People getting a divorce

If you Google “money and marriage,” most of the top results are articles and studies that offer desperate couples advice on reducing arguments and full-blown fights over financial issues. Money is a touchy subject for so many people, and for a relationship on track to marriage, money is a particularly important topic as you get closer to combining incomes, assets, expenses, debts, and tax filings. Here’s what you need to know before you get engaged. Crucial Questions to Ask Before You Get Engaged If you’re on the verge of proposing to your current partner (or expecting a proposal in the near future), here are some questions to ask each other before popping the question. 1. How much debt do we … Read more

Why Now Is the Time to Start Saving for Next Christmas

Christmas Gifts For Children That Keep On Giving

Are you still reeling from your credit card bill after buying Christmas presents? You’re not alone. Many Americans continue to put holiday spending on credit cards despite the warning signs of building consumer debt. But, you need to be saving for Christmas again already! According to the National Retail Federation, holiday retail sales increased 3.8% to $601.8 billion. More than $42 billion was spent online, a 10% increase in last year. We give generously to our friends and family members each holiday season. That’s fine until you reach for your credit cards to give the gifts and spend months paying the balances off. Far too many people give from their heart even when their wallet can’t afford it. Don’t make … Read more

BusyKid Smartphone App Review – Tracking Chores and Teaching Kids About Money

A lot of young adults don’t understand how to save or invest money nowadays, and financial literacy rates continue to decline year after year. This is evidenced by the student loan debt crisis and stories of college students racking up tons of debt (student loans, credit cards, payday loans, etc.) while working minimum wage jobs. If you’re planning on having kids or you already have kids in your family, how do you plan to teach your kids about money? Of all the mistakes young parents can make, not teaching your kids how to manage money from an early age is one of the most concerning because of this widespread lack of personal financial literacy among high school and college students … Read more

How to Start Saving and Get a Month Ahead Without Much Income

How to Start Saving and Get a Month Ahead

The following is a guest post by Rebekah Carter. If you’d like to contribute a guest post to Money Q&A, check out our guest posting guidelines. Today, most people know just how valuable a financial safety net can be. In times of crisis, an emergency fund can be the difference between being able to replace your broken washing machine, or being forced to turn to the bank for a loan. It can also mean that you’re always protected if something unfortunate happens to your income. The trouble is when you don’t have a high-paying career in the first place, getting a month ahead in your savings can feel like an impossible goal. The good news is that no matter how … Read more

MoneyLion Review – Personal Loans, Credit Monitoring, Rewards, and More


Did you know that 70% of Americans reportedly wouldn’t be able to cover a $2,000 unexpected expense? Perhaps this figure isn’t surprising, especially if you’re in the same boat. So, what happens when huge expenses arise out of nowhere? Typically, people either put the expense on their credit cards – and rack up more debt as a result of high interest rates – or take out a personal loan (also with considerably high interest) to cover the emergency costs. This can be a serious setback for anyone trying to improve their financial situation, but at last, a better option exists – MoneyLion. Founded in 2013, MoneyLion has become immensely popular among consumers due to its easy-to-use app and rewards-based program … Read more

5 Smart Ways to Save on Gifts this Christmas

How to Save Money on Christmas Gifts

Christmas is right around the corner, but luckily, we still have over a month to plan this year’s gift list and try to save money by avoiding last-minute shopping. Do you know how to save money on Christmas gifts? Below I’ve listed some ideas that might help you spend less on your gifts this year and even make Christmas shopping an enjoyable (and dare I say it, stress-free) experience. How to Save Money on Christmas Gifts Actually Write a List Although obvious, most of the time we just go shopping and completely forget to list the people and the gifts we think they might like. But, making a list is not all: use it as a springboard to determine the Christmas … Read more