Top 6 Ways Online Retailers Trick You Into Spending More

Well-known psychologist Robert Cialdini published a book in the 1980s entitled Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion. Although the book is nearly 40 years old at this point, the six principles of persuasion that Cialdini outlined in the book are perhaps even more prominent in the world of retail marketing today. There are many ways retailers trick us into spending more money. How Online Retailers Trick You Into Spending More Those six principles include: Reciprocity: referring to our innate desire to give back when we receive something Scarcity: the perception of limited resources or time Authority: how we perceive things as more legitimate when supported by an “expert” Consistency: we’re more likely to remain loyal to a person or organization who … Read more

What Options Do You Have Funding For Small Business?

How to Increase Your Business Return on Investment

In this day and age, there are many ways that you can fund your small business. You have tax incentives, and you also have traditional bank loans too. If you are not quite sure which approach to take or if you want to make sure that you get the best result out of your venture, then this is the guide for funding for small business. Options Funding For Small Business Family and Friends It’s very common, especially in the early days of starting a business, for people to ask for the financial support of family. When you go to your family or friends for money, it’s a good idea for you to pitch your idea to them so that they … Read more

Who Do You Want to Be When You Grow Old? The Path of Purposeful Aging

The following is reprinted from Who Do You Want to Be When You Grow Old?: The Path of Purposeful Aging with permission of Berrett-Koehler Publishers. Copyright © 2021 by Richard J. Leider and David A. Shapiro. This is a book by two old friends who have known each other for more than half of their lives. It is a book about a subject of which no one can claim absolute expertise, but which each of us learns a little bit more about every day. It is a book whose purpose is purpose. It is a book about how to grow old, with the emphasis on “grow.” Our focus is on not just getter older, but on how to grow as … Read more

How to Reach Your Financial Goals

Earning An Irregular Income

We all want to be financially stable, but in an economy that’s oftentimes less than stable itself, it’s not always easy. From unexpected medical emergencies to lack of job security, reaching your financial goals can seem out of reach. Being financially stable begins and ends with choices you make each day. And if you’re determined to reach your money goals, you need to put in the work. Define Your Financial Goals Before you can reach your financial goals, you need to define them. Some people want to pay off their student loans while others want to have their credit cards paid in full. Think about where you want to be financially in the next year, five years from now, and … Read more

Review of Acre Gold – How to Easily Buy Physical Gold Every Month

Investors often flock to gold and other precious metals when the stock market heads south because these tangible investments tend to be less prone to fluctuations based on government policies, global economic conditions, corporate profits and losses, and other common factors influencing the price of financial assets like stocks, bonds, and Treasury notes. I personally love investing with Acre Gold. This isn’t a sales pitch. I simply just love the service and wanted to share it with the Money Q&A readers. But is gold really all it’s hyped up to be? Let’s do some math: in the span of one year (Dec. 2018 to Dec. 2019), the value of gold per ounce rose from approximately $1,220 to $1,463. On a fifteen-year … Read more

Mistakes That Can Hurt Your Financial Future


The decisions that you make today regarding how you spend and save your money will have lasting effects. After all, if you spend too much and don’t save enough while you are young, you will have to deal with the consequences when you are older and don’t have as much as you thought you would. On the flip side, if you make smarter choices today, you can work on having a stronger financial future that provides you with more security instead of making money mistakes. What are some of the money mistakes you should avoid making today so you can increase the odds of a strong financial future? Not Investing Your Money Wisely One of the biggest mistakes that young … Read more