Don’t Get Duped By Your Own Workplace: They Could Owe You Money!

Do not forget to follow up from a business conference.

When you head into work every day you expect to be treated with respect no matter what. Unfortunately, many employees are faced with workplace disputes for a variety of reasons. It is not uncommon for your employer to owe you money in some sort of way, but how do you know if this applies to you? You know all about protecting your money from cyber criminals, but what about your trusty employer? Consider some of the ideas below and see if you could be owed money in some way. Injuries in the Workplace When you suffer an injury at work it can be very easy to put on a brave face and act as if you are fine. You don’t … Read more

Startup Budgeting: When to Splurge and When to Save

Reasons to Add Fun Money to Your Budget

When starting a business, you want to get the most out of your investment. This involves knowing how best to distribute your money between each of the startup costs. There are some aspects that aren’t worth spending a huge amount on as you won’t get any better results by doing so. On the other end of the spectrum, there are some startup costs in which spending a little extra can be financially beneficial in the long run. Here is a breakdown of all the major startup costs and whether you should splurge or save in each instance. Financing: SAVE There are three main ways to fund a business: use savings, seek investment or take out a loan. Most people choose … Read more

Yes, You Can Find A Job Despite Your Disability

You might think that having a disability would hold you back from keeping a regular job. That might be the case if your disability is quite serious and you have some mobility issues or your energy levels are badly affected. Thankfully, though, if your physical or mental disability doesn’t hold you back too much in your regular day to day activities then you shouldn’t find it too tricky to land a new job. Even though it is possible to find a job as a disabled job seeker, there might still be some issues that you face. For instance, not ever employer might be open to taking on disabled employees. You shouldn’t let that get you down, though, as the face … Read more

What Are Your Financial Priorities Right Now?

When it comes to your money, it’s absolutely essential for you to be able to have priorities. And the important thing to realize here, is that even if you think you don’t have priorities right now, you do. You absolutely do – all of us do. Because, when it comes to money, whether you’re spending or saving you’re making a choice. And in that choice, you’re then setting priorities. You’re deciding what’s important when it comes to your actions. And so, it’s nice to be able to consciously decide how you will prioritize your money. Whether you want to balance your finances, grow your income, or just get back on track, you can with priorities. And here are some examples. … Read more

3 Easy Ways to Boost a Bad Credit Score

Your Credit Score May Be Costing You Thousands of Dollars

Your credit score affects so many different aspects of your life and if you have a bad score, it can cause you a lot of trouble. You’ll struggle to borrow money, get finance on a car, and even rent somewhere to live. The problem is, once your credit score is already damaged, it’s very hard to come back from. But don’t worry, there are ways that you can repair your credit score. These are the best ways to do it. Check That It’s Correct Before you start looking for ways to fix a low credit score, you should double check that it’s correct in the first place. Sometimes, the companies that generate your credit report may make mistakes, there might … Read more

Find the Hidden Money You’re Entitled To

Repair your Finances as a First Priority

Most people think they can account for every cent they have and would never consider that they might have money hidden somewhere. You might be amazed though at how many millions are sitting in unclaimed bank accounts and bonds in the US, and they are many other places some cash could be hiding. Inheritances You Are Not Aware Of If a relative dies without leaving a will, or you have moved address a few times since the will was written an cannot be traced, there could be an inheritance you can claim. If you are named in a will but the deceased does not list all of his or her investments and bank accounts, money could be sitting there that … Read more