7 Reasons Why Passive Income Is So Important

Are you struggling to pay your bills and meet your lifestyle goals? Before you resign yourself to working from dawn until dusk, consider setting up a passive income stream or two. A passive income might just save you during months where work or finances grow tight, and it can also help you reach your financial goals faster. Here’s your primer on the importance of non-active income.  What is passive income? A passive income means receiving money without actively working a job, such as an office job. To build a passive income stream, you can either create, buy, or contribute towards a service or an asset that generates money.  Whether you’re interested in investing in farmland or going classic with stocks … Read more

Covering the High Cost of a College Degree

The high cost of a college degree is currently at an all-time high. Due to this unique situation, very few working adults can afford to pay for an education from an ordinary savings account. Modern times call for special techniques and creative thinking on the part of prospective college students or on the part of parents who want to cover some or all of a child’s education. What strategies make sense? One of the most common and useful ones is to set up a special savings account for the purpose and contribute to it every payday. These college funds usually don’t pay all the bills but can at least put a dent in schooling expenses when the time arrives. Other … Read more

What to Know About Payday Loan Consolidation

Payday loans are a solution for cash-related emergencies or if you need fast cash. Sometimes, the way payday loans are structured may keep consumers trapped in a loop of repeatedly paying supplemental fees to renew or update the same loan and result in long-term financial distress. If you’re stuck in a payday loan cycle, you can consider consolidating your payday debts into a personal loan to help you break free. If you’re wondering what payday loan consolidation is or how it works, read on to find out. What Is Payday Loan Consolidation? Typical payday loans have short repayment periods often scheduled to be paid off within a few weeks. This is why many borrowers find it challenging to pay them … Read more

Key Factors to Consider When Opening an E-Commerce Shop

In 2021, retail e-commerce sales amounted to 4.9 trillion US dollars globally and this figure is forecast to grow by 50%, reaching a total of 6.5 trillion US dollars by 2023 and 7.4 trillion US dollars by 2025. According to Nasdaq, by 2040, around 95% of all retail purchases will be made online, spelling the end of traditional retail. If you wish to take advantage of the e-commerce boom by opening an e-commerce shop and launching your own business, make sure you prioritize the following essentials to achieve optimal success. Identifying Your Niche If you choose the right niche and use data to drive your business decisions, your business can enjoy a 241% return on investment. Therefore, conducting research into a profitable niche is … Read more

Common Retirement Incomes that Are Subject to Taxation

It’s common knowledge that you must pay taxes on any income you make while working, but when you retire, are your earnings from your savings still taxable? The answer depends on the type of income your retirement plan provides and how old you are when you start collecting it. There are many different kinds of retirement income, and it’s important to understand how each category is taxed and states that do not tax retirement income so you can plan for your future accordingly. This guide will explore the most common sources of retirement income that are subject to taxation. 1. Distributions from 401K Plans The good news is that 401K contributions are tax-deferred and therefore not subject to taxes until they … Read more

5 Ways to Prevent Accidents in Your Home

Whether you are a senior at risk of a slip and fall accident or have young children with the potential to get into harmful chemicals, your house may have more hazards than you think. But you can prevent accidents in your home. As a homeowner, you want your home to be safe for your family and friends. If anyone was to become injured in your home, you could be facing serious legal action from injury experts like Onder Law. To prevent injuries in your home, you will need to be assertive and responsible. From slipping in the kitchen to falling down the stairs, most home accidents can be avoided. Let’s take a closer look at a few ways to prevent … Read more