Starting Your Journey to Becoming a Real Estate Mogul

Everyone, at one point or another, has fantasized about what they would do with a million dollars. Perhaps you’d buy a ski boat and spend the summers out on the water. Maybe you’d build the best and biggest entertainment center to watch your favorite action movies and the big games. What about being a real estate mogul? Or, you might have your eyes set on something greater. That’s what former professional basketball player Luol Deng was thinking. After earning over $150 million on the court, Deng has turned to real estate where he owns over $125 million worth of properties. Becoming a property owner is also one of the “quickest” ways to become a self-made millionaire. So, why don’t more … Read more

The Benefits of Having Private Medical Insurance Cover

Benefits of a health savings account

Right now, many people are considering their health and the best way to take care of their families. In particular, more people than ever before are interested in private healthcare. While everyone loves the NHS and everything it has done for this country, families are looking for peace of mind and knowing they have medical options if they need them. This has meant that the topic of private medical insurance is popular right now. Let’s take a closer look at what this is, how you can benefit from it, and how financial services can assist you. What is Private Medical Insurance? First of all, it is important to understand what private medical insurance actually means. This may also be referred … Read more

5 Reasons the Right Insurance Saves You Money

Diabetic Life Insurance

Insurance is often viewed as an unnecessary expense or a waste of money. The idea behind having insurance is that you are preparing for the worst to happen; this might not sound like the most likely scenario unless you are one of the most unlucky people on earth. The thing with illness, incidents, and accidents is that they can end up costing you a ton of money when they do occur – and trust me, they will eventually occur. Insurance companies would not exist if they did not turn a profit, there is no denying that, but there is also no denying that the average person cannot afford to pay the bills when things go south. Here are five reasons … Read more

Using a 529 College Savings Plan for Higher Education Costs

Which is better a public or private college?

If you’re a parent, you want the best in life for your child. That includes seeing them go to college. To pay for tuition, books, labs, and other expenses, you have several options for financial assistance. One of these is using a 529 College Savings Plan. Considering that the cost to attend college continually increases, the sooner you start putting money aside, the better. A 529 College Savings Plan, also referred to as a “qualified tuition plan,” is one possibility to help you save money. Although certain aspects of this plan vary by state, overall, you can grow the funds tax-free. In most states, the contributions can also be deducted from state income taxes. While a 529 College Savings Plan … Read more

Must Have Software for Your Small Business

In smaller businesses, you often struggle with the management of certain aspects, ones that require specific knowledge or training. Thankfully, there is plenty of software available for small businesses, to help with all the departments that they may find difficult to operate, such as accounting software. From bookkeeping to marketing, here are some of our top picks for specialized small business software to ease the burden of small business management. Accounting The finances for a business can vary from invoicing to wages to tax returns, and managing the accounts requires a good understanding of the financial world. You will also need a record of your income and your outgoings in order to track your profits – one aspect you might … Read more

It Turns Out Money Really Does Buy Happiness

How to Protect Elderly Family Members

For those of us who aren’t millionaires, the phrase “money doesn’t buy happiness” is certainly a welcome one. Sure, being in the top 0.1% sounds great in theory. But they’re not any happier than the rest of us…right? Well, a study has been done into just that. And it turns out that, in fact, all those extra dollars do, indeed, lead to extra happiness. It’s perhaps not exactly the result you were hoping for, especially if you were looking at pictures of your billionaire of choice on a yacht recently and being sure they were actually miserable.  But as you’ll see, there are actually some great lessons that the rest of us can take from this. Background For around a … Read more