How to Use ATR Forex Indicator and Become a Better Forex Investor

The ATR (Average True Range) is a technical analysis forex indicator that decomposes the entire price range for a certain period to measure market volatility. Specifically, it was introduced by market technician J. Welles Wilder Jr. as a measure of volatility. The true range forex indicator is considered as the greatest among current high minus the current low, the absolute value of the current low minus the previous close, and the absolute value of the current high minus the previous close. So, the ATR indicator is a moving average, usually using 14 days of the true ranges.   How To Calculate ATR?  While trading, you can use shorter periods than 14 days for generating more trading signals because longer periods tend … Read more

Can You Trust Online Loans? Here’s What You Need to Know

From ordering a pizza to buying a house, the Internet has made all kinds of everyday tasks faster, simpler, and more convenient than ever. At the same time, though, it’s also made it easier for opportunistic predators and con artists to take advantage of online vulnerabilities, spread misinformation, and cover their tracks. Online loans are enough to make anyone paranoid. A little paranoia can be useful in helping you avoid scammers, but too much can rob you of opportunities to potentially make your life better. For example, in recent years the popularity of online loans in Canada and the US has grown exponentially, with many benefits making them preferable to traditional types of loans. But can online lenders be trusted? … Read more

5 Ways to Minimize Your Financial Loss from a Disability

While facing new daily restrictions due to your disability is challenging enough, the financial impacts of a disability can be even more daunting for most professionals who were previously full-body abled. To enable you to carry on with your life without a crippling debt burden, we have listed five practical ways for you to minimize your financial losses. Consult A Disability Lawyer Whether you are temporary or permanently disabled, it is essential to opt for legal advice from a disability lawyer to have the legalities of partial vs. full disability explained to you. The decision to rely on legal expertise will massively reduce your financial loss from a disability. Your lawyer will assist with the process of claiming disability benefits … Read more

What You Need to Know Before Purchasing a Company

Before you commit to purchasing a company, there are a few important steps to take. Don’t cut corners with professional services. You need an accountant to help with documents, as well as a competent business lawyer. Even if you’re thinking about buying a small business, it’s important to inspect county court records, including records of property tax. Public records will indicate whether the business and its owners or managers are involved in a lawsuit. County tax records might also show liens. Check if the company owns the property where it operates. Moreover, an in-depth background check will give you this information. Payroll and Sales Taxes Before purchasing a company, ask about these taxes. You might be held liable for any … Read more

Is a Loan Secured by Gold Possible In a Bank?

Secured credit is a common practice in today’s financial world. Receiving money on credit is even easier if you provide a car, apartment, or other property as a guarantee of the loan repayment. But everything is not so clear with precious metals and stones. For example, this often raises the question of whether it’s possible to get a loan secured by gold in a bank. We offer to understand where and what kind of property can be accepted as collateral. What is property? Property can include tangible and intangible objects, like: immovable and movable things (land, houses, apartments, vehicles, and more); money and securities, including non-cash funds and digital rights; results of intellectual activity; results of services or works. Not … Read more

Top 4 Good Reasons that You Should Buy an Annuity

If you want to have stress-free retirement that doesn’t involve any financial complications, then you should buy an annuity. Investing in an annuity is a smart choice. In simple terms, an annuity is an agreement between you and an insurance company where you give them a chunk of your savings, and they pay it back to you with interest over the course of time. An annuity is an excellent option for someone who is not great at managing finances and prefers a steady income over hoarding money. Investing in an annuity allows you to get a fixed income over time, and you have a financially secure and stress-free retirement life. If you are wondering how an annuity works, you can … Read more