How to Know When You’re Financially Ready to Retire

When we think about retirement, we often think that the main factor in a person’s age. That’s simply not true. The truth is that money plays a much larger role in retirement than age does. If you don’t have enough money to sustain yourself without working, you can’t retire. Are you ready to retire? That’s why there are so many people well into their seventies who still go to work every single day. But knowing whether you’re financially capable of retiring is a tricky thing to do. You don’t want to retire only to realize that you can’t afford it. We’ll be discussing a few things you need to consider that will help you determine whether you are in the … Read more

Important Details Life Insurance Beneficiaries Need to Know

Life insurance is an essential type of insurance coverage that everyone should have. However, if you are one of the life insurance beneficiaries of a friend or family member’s policy, you should know various vital details. When the unfortunate day comes that your loved one passes away and it’s time for the insurer to pay out, a life insurance attorney can assist with a few details, such as ensuring you get the maximum payout. However, whether you are making a claim or not, all life insurance beneficiaries should know these crucial details. You Don’t Need The Policy On Paper To Make A Claim Paperwork can get misplaced over the years, and while many life insurance beneficiaries believe that they need … Read more

What Is a Lump Sum and When Would You Get One?

The largest lottery jackpot got up to $1.59 billion in January 2016. If you won that much money, would you want it in all one lump sum or in monthly distribution? Winning the lottery isn’t the only way to get a lump sum though. Your job may offer it as well! for your retirement accounts. But what is a lump sum, and when should you accept it? Keep reading to find out! What is a Lump Sum? A lump sum is a large payment that you can get in one single payment. Normally these payments may be broken up into monthly payments. A large payment can be a lottery payout, a pension plan, retirement plans, or a 401(k), or IRA. … Read more

The Top 5 Passive Income Resources Every Investor Needs to Have

The following is a guest post by Matthew Ramey, the owner and operator of If you’d like to submit a guest post like this one about passive income resources to Money Q&A, be sure to check out our guest posting guidelines. Investing is one of the best ways to grow your money. Yes, there are many risks to it, but as long as you know what you’re getting into, you will always have good chances of getting excellent returns. One of the easiest types of investment that you can try out is Passive Investing. What is Passive Investing? Well, it’s when investors place their money in various passive income strategies to generate a steady stream of cash without them … Read more

4 Mortgage Budgeting Tips for First-Time Home Buyers

Buying a home will likely be the most significant investment you ever make. You must take the time to consider all of the financial responsibilities that go into homeownership before signing on for a mortgage. It is a mistake to take on a mortgage that is too much for your budget, leaving you vulnerable to financial hardship. There are many budgeting tips to help. Mortgage brokers tend to issue pre-approvals that don’t take factor in the many expenses of owning a home. If you are shopping for homes based on your pre-approval amount, you could be taking on too much of a financial burden. There are many other costs beyond your mortgage payment that need to be factored into your … Read more

How to Leave the Corporate Ladder and Find Your Passion

Save Money On Your Next Vacation

The following is a guest post by Howard Scott, author of Rascal on the Run, who left courtrooms and law offices behind for good to help readers find your passion. Today he spends about half his time in the Caribbean. Despite the financial and social perks of law, he’s never looked back. If you’d like to write a guest post for Money Q&A, be sure to check out our Guest Posting Guidelines. Want To Leave The Rat Race? Start With An Exit Plan. Here’s a Lawyer’s Guide to Leaving The Courtroom Behind In Search Of Happiness… Twelve years ago I walked out of a courtroom for the last time. After more than two decades in practice, I just couldn’t do it anymore. I … Read more