How Key Person Insurance Can Save a Small Business


These days, there’s insurance for everything. You can get insurance on your house, your apartment, your car, and virtually everything else imaginable that has value. This is more or less common knowledge. What some people may not realize is that insurance isn’t just for individuals. Indeed, small businesses can also benefit greatly from the right insurance coverage. Today, we’ll take a look at one of the most essential forms of business insurance, namely, key person insurance. It’s no exaggeration to say that key person coverage can legitimately save a small business from going under in some situations. Learn more about it here: What Is Key Person Insurance? Key person insurance (also known as key man insurance) is a life insurance … Read more

5 Reasons Why It’s Worth Spending Up for an Expensive Mattress

Why I'm living in a hotel

If you’re willing to spend a little extra money on a car for safety purposes, or a mobile device that provides a better user experience, try implementing that same logic when you’re buying a new mattress. An expensive mattress is a personal investment and may be the difference between 7 hours of rejuvenating sleep or 7 hours of tireless tossing and turning.  Sleep plays an essential role in maintaining both our mental and physical health and how we function during our day-to-day. You might be surprised to learn how much of a positive impact a high-quality mattress can make on your sleep. Poor mattresses, especially older ones, are one of the major culprits of back pain, aching joints, insomnia, and … Read more

Defining Normal Banking During COVID-19

The coronavirus outbreak has affected normal routines and ways of life all around the globe. Some countries have been hit worse than others, but everyone shares the same fears over the future of the economy and how to recover from the pandemic that has claimed hundreds of lives each day from the different parts of the world. And, it has affected banking during covid-19. Within the United States, the administration is working hard to make sure the financial systems stay strong in spite of the fear. In spite of the fluctuations with the stock market, the U.S. is still in strong economic shape and financial operations continue as normal. Is There a New Normal? In light of the COVID-19 pandemic, … Read more

5 Ways to Have Enough Money for Retirement

The country is locked down, the stock market is on a roller coaster ride, and for millions of Americans, the prospect of retiring may be lost forever.  However, this doesn’t have to happen to you. Even in the face of uncertainty, here are five ways you can make sure you have enough money for retirement. The Rules are Changing For years would-be retirees were told that there was a magic number when it came to retirement planning. This was called the 70 percent replacement rule because retirees would need to save enough to replace up to 70 percent of their pre-retirement income. However, today’s seniors are not only living longer, more active lives. They are also paying more for healthcare … Read more

Going Digital – Should You Invest in Bitcoin Amidst the Global Crisis?

The current global crisis is by no means a secret as several countries around the world have implemented harsh lockdowns in attempts to suffocate the spread of the infamous Covid19 virus. While the virus alone definitely causes for concern for billions around the world, many have found themselves confronted with extreme anxiety concerning the financial future. Unfortunately, as governments focus on controlling the spread of the virus, countless small businesses are shutting their doors as non-essential sectors are forced to down tools. This becomes a problem as the economy is directly affected on a global level. Therefore, we can’t help but wonder if there really is a solid strategy to protect ourselves from the uncertainty of the global crisis we … Read more

I Am Financially Struggling as a Nurse – What Can I Do?

Are you financially struggling with your money despite having a job as a nurse? This is an occupation that is vital in the healthcare system. However, it is also a job that can be underpaid and undervalued in society. With a lot of financial responsibilities, such as rent, bills, student debt, and other expenses, you may find it hard. It is common for nurses to have financial problems. But the good news is that there are ways you can make extra money in your profession. Start Medical Writing A good way to make some money on the side is by starting medical writing. You can work freelance and use your skills for a number of medical websites. There are always … Read more