7 Tips to Help Choose the Right Starter Home

Buying your first home can be an exciting process, first time home buyers will need to make a lot of decisions that will affect their lives for years to come. Most potential home buyers dream of certain features they would love to have in a home. How to Choose the Right Starter Home Unfortunately, affordability often doesn’t line up with future homeowner’s dreams. It is critical to keep your budget in mind when searching for a starter home to ensure your decision will be the right one for you. Below are some tips to help you choose the right starter home and location. 1. Affordability Before choosing a home to buy, most people will get pre-approved for a home loan. … Read more

5 Reasons It Is Wise to Shop for Mortgages

How To Make Preparing To Apply For A Mortgage Go Smoothly

For many people, a mortgage represents the single largest credit source they will ever use. With houses costing hundreds of thousands these days, applying for a mortgage can be a scary thing. Know this though: shopping around is wise. Anyone planning to purchase a home in the near future would do well to start shopping for mortgages well before they begin looking at properties. The truth of the matter is that not all mortgages are alike. Furthermore, not all of them represent good deals. Some of them are downright bad deals that should be ignored entirely. The thing is, you will not know unless you shop around. Shopping for mortgages is a lot like shopping for car insurance. Still not … Read more

Debunking 5 Personal Bankruptcy Myths

Divorce Hurt Your Finances

For most people, the word “bankruptcy” is the scariest term in the financial vocabulary; except perhaps for “Great Recession” or “IRS audit.” Granted, filing for personal bankruptcy is a dramatic step that has significant, far-reaching consequences. It’s not something anyone feels great about. There are no bankruptcy parties, or “congratulations on filing for bankruptcy!” cards (not even the cheesy or sarcastic e-card variety). However, with this being said, there are some enduring myths about personal bankruptcy that prevent some people who should head down that road, from doing so and eventually restoring their financial health. Here are five costly personal bankruptcy myths that you or someone you care about should steer clear of… Myth #1: If you file for bankruptcy, … Read more

How to Choose a Financial Planner

Do not forget to follow up from a business conference.

How to Choose a Financial Planner A financial planner, or financial advisor, can help you get a clearer picture of what your financial picture actually looks like; from savings accounts to expenses, to where your investment accounts currently stand. Do you know how to how to choose a financial planner? Having an expert set eyes on something like finances is always a good idea, as the average person can miss some pretty important details without help. Check Credentials The last thing you want is someone who isn’t qualified for the job handling your finances. This can lead to financial disaster or even ruin if the person you’ve hired has no idea what they’re doing. Make no mistake; there are people … Read more

7 Online Marketing Strategies That All Small Businesses Should Use

Online marketing was once thought of as something only required for online businesses. This is no longer the case. Having a strong online presence and online marketing strategies are now something that all businesses need to build. For many smaller companies, this can seem like a lesser priority.  However, a well-executed marketing campaign can make a significant difference in the business’s overall success. In a competitive marketplace, this could prove the difference between profit and loss.  We have examined a few different approaches commonly taken by small businesses to promote brand awareness. Have a look at the online marketing strategies below. 1. Social Media Marketing Almost everyone comes into contact with some form of social media each and every day. … Read more

How to Take Control of Your Finances and Ensure You Live on Easy Street

When it comes to the largest sources of stress in life, the biggest box that everyone checks are finances.  Finances are the number one source of personal stress for people as well as for relationships. Financial problems are the number one reason for divorce and for family arguments according to Forbes. But, you can take control of your finances. How to Take Control of Your Finances One of the best ways to avoid these problems is to have your financial house in order and know that you have eliminated a huge problem. Here are 8 hacks to help you take control of your finances. 1. Get on a Budget A budget does not mean that you cannot enjoy life and have … Read more