4 Strategies to Afford a Digital Nomad Life

Save Money On Your Next Vacation

The following is a guest post by Molly Barnes, author of the Digital Nomad Life. If you’d like to contribute a guest post to Money Q&A, check out our guest posting guidelines. Most people look forward to their annual vacation, it’s a great opportunity to enjoy some downtime. While a traditional one or two-week vacation may be refreshing, do you find you’re left wanting more out of your travel experiences? What if you could spend every day traveling? Seriously meaningful traveling — not just a week here or a long weekend there. Did you know you can make this a lifestyle by becoming a digital nomad? You’re probably wondering how you can do this without being a trust-fund baby or … Read more

5 Lifestyle Habits that Can Affect Your Life Insurance Premiums

lifestyle habits

Life insurance is something that about everybody thinks about, at one time or another. I mean, perhaps you have a family, need a business loan, or need to cover a mortgage. There are 100’s of reasons why a person may consider life insurance. But oftentimes, people may not think about, how life insurance is priced by the insurance carriers. Life insurance carriers are obviously in the business of making money. Thus, a person’s health profile and lifestyle help determine an individual’s life insurance premiums. The higher a risk you are viewed, the higher your premiums you are. In this article, we’ll cover 5 lifestyle habits, that can have an impact on your life insurance premiums. 1. Smoking, Drinking, and Illegal Drug Usage One … Read more

How to Start Saving a Lot More Money

Save Money in Your Small Business

Are you trying to save money? You may want to have it set aside in a bank account for a rainy day or you may start saving up for something important. No matter what you are trying to do, there are different ways to easily start saving much more money than you were before. Keep Track of Your Expenses Before you can start to save money, you need to keep track of the expenses you have each month. These expenses would include your mortgage payment, rent payment, car payment, money spent on gas, electricity bill, water bill, and even your monthly groceries. If it is hard to figure it out all, check your bank statement to get an idea of … Read more

Consumer Staples to Buy that You Shouldn’t Scrimp On

Save Money in Your Small Business

Whether you’re on a tight budget or you’re trying to save yourself some money – many of us like to get the best bargains when it comes to household items and other consumer staples. While this is usually a great idea, there are certain items that you should never scrimp on. Pinching the pennies on certain items leads to what is called a ‘false economy’. This is where you might spend less many on a certain item initially, however, due to lower quality, you need to keep replacing that item. So, over time, you actually spend more money on the cheaper item than you would have paid for the more expensive item that will last you longer. Of course, knowing … Read more

Top 4 Simple Financial Tips for Recent College Graduates

Which is better a public or private college?

Graduating from college is –– for many –– a hugely rewarding moment and the culmination of lots of hard work and dedication. The only problem is that a college graduation ceremony isn’t actually a finale, but rather an introduction to the “real world.” Here are the money tips for college graduates they need to know right now. Money Tips for College Graduates Indeed, many recent college graduates have found life outside of academia to be puzzling and frustrating –– particularly in regard to their finances. Financial burdens like student loans, car payments, and regular housing bills can place a massive strain on young individuals. Given that fact, today we’re going to outline four money tips for college graduates can use today … Read more

How to Have a Stress-Free Summer Vacation with Rover

Ways for Pet Lovers to Make Money

Note – This blog post contains affiliate links. I’ll receive a small commission if you choose to sign up with Rover. Before we know it, summer will be over, and fall will be upon us. Make sure to take advantage of the season and plan a most-deserved summer vacation before it’s too late. As soon as you read that I’m sure a ton of questions ran through your head – what about time off, where to go, what’s affordable, who’s going to take care of my four-legged buddy? Don’t stress. There are a ton of options out there that are both fun and affordable, it’s just about doing a little research. As for your buddy, let Rover take care of that stress, … Read more