Find Your Ideal Job and Build Your Dream Business

Following is a guest post by Kedma Ough, the author of “Target Funding: A Proven System to Get the Money and Resources You Need to Start or Grow Your Business“. If you’d like to contribute a guest post like this one about your ideal job versus entrepreneurship to Money Q&A, be sure to check out our guest posting guidelines. Is it possible to have your cake and eat it too? If there was a way to find your ideal job and build your dream business, would you consider both? Most people see this dichotomy and feel that they need to choose one dream over the other. The reality is that you can have both dreams so long as each doesn’t … Read more

Six Tips on How to Make Better Trading Decisions

Trading is a business and requires significant attention. If you plan to make trading decisions about your risks on a daily basis you need to set aside the appropriate time to make sure you are able to monitor your positions and p&l. If you are finding it difficult to generate consistent gains, here are 6-tips that you can use to make better trading decisions. 1. Do Your Homework As mentioned, trading is a business and needs to be treated in that manner. Before you place a trade, make sure you do the appropriate homework to determine if the asset you are evaluating has the ability to help you reach your financial goal. Your homework should include reading the news and … Read more

How to Shop for a Car Loan

If you’re thinking you’ll just get financing at the dealership when you buy your car, you’re setting yourself up to pay too much. How will you know it’s a good deal if you have no frame of reference against which to judge the offer? You’ll be much better off with a pre-approved loan in hand. In addition to feeling more confident about the process, you’ll have a bargaining chip to get you a better deal when you’re at the dealership. Here’s how to shop for a car loan. 1. Start with Your Budget The first thing you need to do is figure out how much you can afford to pay for your new car. Make a list of all your … Read more

8 Quick (and Legal) Ways to Arrange Money in a Difficult Situation

This world runs on money. We work most of our lives to earn a living. An emergency doesn’t come announced, and it becomes even bigger trouble when you don’t have any savings. If you find yourself caught in a difficult situation where you need money, try one of these eight suggestions to arrange money that are most suitable for you. Ask a Friend or Family Member If you can’t rely on them, they aren’t your friends. Family members always support you even when you don’t have the best relationship with them. Be sure to ask for their support before you try any other way to arrange money. Take Out Advance from Credit Card Even if there is no money in … Read more

Everything You Need To Know About Facebook Libra

Facebook Libra

The following is a guest post by Thyagarajan Gopalakrishnan. If you’d like to submit a guest post to Money Q&A, be sure to check out our guest posting guidelines. Cryptocurrencies have all been the rage for a few years now. The way the value of Bitcoin grew in the last few years has made people look up and take notice. Not just Bitcoin, others like Ethereum, XRP etc have also grown in a big way. Earlier there used to be crypto exchanges where you could buy and sell cryptocurrencies but now you have exchanges where you deal not only with cryptocurrencies, but you can even trade in stocks, as this eToro review proves. True that eToro fees are slightly different, but such … Read more

Education Savings Plan: Secure Your Child’s Future with Proper Investment

Should You Take Out Private Student Loans for College?

Statistics Canada has reported about half of the Canadian families having an RESP plan, much lower than Canadians holding a registered retirement savings plan (RRSPs) and a tax-free savings account (TFSAs). This might seem harsh on the part of retirement-conscious families not building a secure education fund for their children. Still, it only reveals the crude economic realities of present-day Canada. Soaring university costs are not within the savings capacity of low-income and middle-income earning Canadian families. Besides, many are wary of the eventuality where their kids may not choose university studies, making an RESP plan an altogether pointless investment choice. All fears granted, there are smart options to dodge perceived uncertainties. Investing in government bonds, Guaranteed Investment Certificates (GICs), … Read more