7 Poor Financial Habits that Spoil Your Credit Score

Your Credit Score May Be Costing You Thousands of Dollars

The following is a guest post by Tiffany Wagner about poor financial habits. If you’d like to contribute a guest post to Money Q&A, be sure to check out our guest posting guidelines. Your credit score sets the boundary between getting approved or declined for a loan or credit card. It determines your creditworthiness and interest rates. Lenders use your credit score as one of the critical deciding factors to let you borrow money to purchase a house or car, rent an apartment, or take out a school loan. The scores set by most lending platforms like Credit Ninja may range from 850 (perfect), 760 (excellent), down to 300 (disaster). As such, it’s important to keep your credit score healthy … Read more

Developing Multiple Income Streams: 5 Ways for You to Become Financially Independent

The following is a guest post by Benjamin Lee about becoming financially independent. If you’d like to contribute a guest post to Money Q&A, check out our guest posting guidelines. With the way the job market is, relying on a single income stream just doesn’t cut it anymore. In fact, with mounting debt and stagnating wages, chances are that millennials will not have enough to retire.  You could just as easily be replaced by a robot tomorrow or your job may be outsourced to a third-party country. Thus, at the way things are going, it should come as no surprise that the new generation is worried. Fortunately, there’s still hope on the horizon to become financially independent. Advancements in technology … Read more

What You Need to Consider Before You Take Out a Bank Loan

Reasons to Add Fun Money to Your Budget

Consider why you need the money and if there are any alternatives. Well, obviously, you already have a pretty good idea of why you need a bank loan, to begin with. However, when there is a financial emergency, most people tend to panic, and you might not be thinking clearly. So, take a breather! Sit down and appraise your situation objectively. A bank loan is a big decision, and if you play it wrong, you might end up in more trouble than you were originally in. Around half the people that take out loans do so to cover a personal emergency like a huge and urgent bill. Examples would be medical fees, flood repairs, or vehicle repairs/ replacement, however, getting … Read more

How You Can Save Money While You’re Still in Debt

People who have a lot of debt can find it hard to save money. It doesn’t have to be though. There are several ways to save money while still paying down debt, and we’ll cover them here. Consider a Debt Consolidation Loan These loans lower payment amounts on credit cards. This allows you to save money while still paying down debts. To find out more, read at National Debt Relief. Decide Which Method Works Best for Paying Down Debt There are several strategies people can use to pay off debt: the avalanche method, the snowball method, balance transfers, personal loans, debt settlements, and bankruptcy. The method they choose depends on how much debt they have and the amount of money … Read more

Day to Day Financial Mistakes that Hold the Average Person Back

Things I Should Have Known Better About My Finances

While there’s no doubt that some people get some hugely lucky financial breaks in life, on the whole, the size of your bank account is solely down to you. Some people might have been handed a head-start, but the fact that others have become billionaires from nothing shows exactly how your financial destiny is completely in your own hands. Others have financial mistakes. Financial Mistakes that Hold You Back Sure, by the end of this article you’re not going to be armed with all of the knowledge you need to become a billionaire as well, but we will hopefully educate you on some of the common financial mistakes that are probably holding you back. From here on, you can at … Read more

Does Your Business Need a Commercial Mortgage?

Even with the rise of the internet and remote working, the majority of businesses in the world still operate through a storefront. Many of these businesses may be starting out or are looking to expand on their current operations. If you’re looking to open up a store or are wanting to grow, chances are you are quite familiar with a commercial mortgage, also known as a commercial real estate loan. Below, we’ll go over the basics of a commercial mortgage and help you decide if that’s a step you need to take for your business. What’s a commercial mortgage anyway? To start off, let’s review what a commercial mortgage is. The word “mortgage” is something you have probably heard about … Read more