The Importance of Adding Fun Money to Your Budget

Reasons to Add Fun Money to Your Budget

The following is a guest post from Choncé, a budgeting guru, who chronicles her journey with balancing motherhood, a home-based business, and finances on her blog, My Debt Epiphany. If you’d like to submit a guest post to Money Q&A, be sure to check out our guest posting guidelines. In 2015, I made a horrible mistake. I chose to cut fun and entertainment money out of my budget. I was feeling overwhelmed with my debt. I owed $30,000 between my student loans and my car loan. My future husband (boyfriend at the time) owed about $20,000 which included student loan debt, credit card balances and a small car loan. I had just started budgeting and became obsessed with living frugally. People I … Read more

Emergency Student Loans – The Finest Way Out to “I Need Money Now”

Which is better a public or private college?

You have just conceded your school, wow congratulations! Definitely want to join the college for higher studies. If you want to start your career, you must hold a college degree in your hands. But nothing is easy to earn, as even studying in college is pretty posh. The average cost of a bachelor’s degree by a government university for four years is about 25000$-30000$. This figure rises to a large extent if you move towards private colleges/universities. Tuition dues are not only expensive, but students also have to grapple with many other expenses such as transportation, high living standards, daily needs, stationery, books etc. These expenses can leave college student strapped for cash. So a financial emergency can transpire anytime. … Read more

A Brief Introduction to Cryptocurrency Trading

How Secure Are Transactions Done Through Bitcoins?

These are exciting times. Unless you have been living under a rock for the last ten years, you will have heard of cryptocurrencies. The likes of Bitcoin, Ethereum, LiteCoin, Ripple, and others are never too far from the headlines. With cryptocurrency an everyday term and many top brands accepting cryptocurrencies as a form of payment, it is clear that crypto is here to stay. Forex trading is big business, but the rise of cryptocurrencies has created even more opportunities to make money on the world’s financial markets. If cryptocurrency trading intrigues you, here is a quick introduction to the fascinating world of cryptocurrency trading. Buying Cryptocurrencies The easiest way to get into cryptocurrency trading is to buy some. There was … Read more

Debt Advice that Will Safekeep You from Bankruptcy

Escape the Weight of Your Crushing Debt

People who land in financial crises file for bankruptcy. But debt management can help you avoid this extreme continuum. Yes, following a debt management plan is no piece of cake but its far better than the alternative. Following, we are giving you a few points that explain why a debt management plan is a far better alternative than bankruptcy. Debt Advice to Keep You from Bankruptcy Debt Management Debt Management is more of a debt repayment plan that helps you manage your debt better. You have to be effective at paying your debt. These plans discipline you with a better decision-making process. The first step towards debt repayment is stop overspending on things you don’t need. If you don’t know … Read more

Timely Return of a Loan Makes It Easier to Borrow a Second Time: 5 Advantages of Short-Term Loans

Which is better: a short-term loan or a long-term loan? In many situations, a short-term loan is going to be a much better option for you. These loans are easier to obtain, you can get the money faster, and they offer a variety of other benefits you’ll want to be aware of. Consider the following benefits when deciding whether a short-term loan is the right option for you. Easier to Obtain Conventional loans are notoriously difficult to obtain. Applicants need to have an excellent credit score and need to show they have the ability to repay the loan over a period of many years. Short-term loans, however, are far easier to obtain. According to, these loans have more relaxed … Read more

How a Merchant Cash Advance is Different from a Traditional Loan

Despite the popularity of revenue advance loans or merchant cash advance, there still remains a lot of confusion regarding how cash advance is different from traditional loans. After all, the financing realm is already complex enough. Understanding the difference is essential for businesses that are either seeking a traditional business loan or want a quick and reliable source of money for their business. Traditional business loans can take several months to process whereas a revenue advance loan can provide you with capital in a relatively shorter time. There is also the difference in how the two loan solutions are repaid. A merchant cash advance can offer more flexible terms and repayment options than a traditional business loan. Let’s take a … Read more