Turning a Profit with the Butterfly Pattern in a Down Market

Market fluctuations are an ever present reality for stock investors. While the stock exchange has enjoyed trending bull market movement for the last decade, it has not been without its setbacks and hiccups. December saw bear closings twice before a rebound began to take hold through the transition into the New Year. All this adds up to a market in flux; nothing new, but still uncertainty in what has been a fairly reliable and surging market for an incredible and unprecedented run. Some investors may opt to pull out of an uncertain market, but the smart money is on the long run— the market always recovers, and fluctuating prices actually serves the savvy investor. Utilizing butterfly pattern trading or any … Read more

Five of the Most Valuable Modern Patents

Do not forget to follow up from a business conference.

A patent is a legal tool that gives the patent holder exclusive rights to their invention, for a certain period of time. Often, the patent is extremely helpful in building a business, and the entrepreneur can grow the business with the confidence that their idea cannot be stolen while they focus on expanding their market. In some cases, a patent can the most valuable part of the company. There have been many patents over the past century that have launched massive companies. If you are thinking that you might have a great idea that might be worth patenting, take a look at these for some motivation about getting started. The patent application is notoriously difficult, but there are patent attorneys … Read more

5 Tips for Negotiating with Your Creditors

Do not forget to follow up from a business conference.

It’s difficult to live a life completely free of debt. Even the super rich will take on debt as leverage in order to grow their wealth quickly. Debt is good as long as it is applied to the right purpose and remains manageable. Unfortunately, for a wide range of reasons, debt can get out of hand. What follows is seemingly relentless chain of calls from creditors demanding you pay up. It’s a conversation everyone dreads especially because the inability to settle the debt may have serious repercussions on one’s credit options in the medium and long term. But creditors aren’t as unyielding and unreasonable as many imagine them to be. You can negotiate more favorable terms. Here are some useful … Read more

A Financial Guide to Getting Through Divorce

You can rebuild after divorce

Divorce is a difficult process to deal with, even for the most amicable couples. There are many emotions surrounding the process and one of the last things people think about is the financial impact that the divorce could have. Whether you are currently separated or going through the divorce process, here are some tips that can help you prepare for possible issues that arise. Hire A Professional Believe it or not there are professionals that can help you with the financial aspect. Finances in a divorce can become incredibly messy when you have shared accounts, retirement accounts, and uneven incomes brought into the home. A professional is there to help you to think about all the things you aren’t thinking … Read more

What Is the Right Trading Method in the Forex Market?

The trend is your friend when you trade forex

Before you join the trading business, there are several places where you have to prepare yourself. Making arrangements with your investments, learning the working process in this business, making schedules for your trading etc. and when you will be making your trading routines, one thing will be the most important thing to remember. It is called the trading method. What timeframes traders are following for their own businesses, how frequent they will be trading etc. will be in the routine and according to the trading method. You have to choose one for your own trading business. In this article, we are going to talk about the methods of our trading business. This article will help to make a clear decision … Read more

7 Steps to Paying Off Your Credit Card Debt in 2019

Paying Off Credit Card Debt

The following is a guest post from Conor Richardson, CPA is the author of MILLENNIAL MONEY MAKEOVER: Escape Debt, Save for Your Future, and Live the Rich Life and founder of MillennialMoneyMakeover.com, where he helps Millennials master essential money matters. If you’d like to submit a guest post to Money Q&A, check out our guest posting guidelines. Americans love credit card debt. The heady elixir of easy money is hard to resist. But as you enter into the New Year, carrying over a credit card balance from the previous year can sometimes make for a nasty financial hangover.  With the average US credit card holder holding a balance of $5,839, it might take more work than you realize. How to Pay … Read more