Three Diversification Strategies for a Perfectly Balanced Portfolio

The following is a guest post by Dan Kent, owner and writer for This guest post is about diversification strategies. For more information about guest posting on Money Q&A, check out our guest posting guidelines. I deal with a lot of new investors. Those who are attempting to leave their banks or fund managers and instead take control of their own finances. As such, the question that frequents my inbox the most from those who are looking for advice is “how do I construct an investment portfolio?” I’ve often stated that building a portfolio is the most difficult task you can take on as a new investor. The tendency to allocate either too little or too much in a … Read more

Paperless – The Story of Cost Efficient Operations

Paper waste is an unnecessary addition to the growing waste problem that your planet is facing. Paper can be recycled, but more often than not in businesses throughout the world, the paper ends up in a trash bin. According to an article by Fortune magazine, “for every million dollars in revenue, a company generates an average of 7.8 metric tons of waste. Almost 40 percent of that waste is easy-to-recycle paper. The study also found that if companies could reduce their paper waste by just one percent, they could save almost one billion dollars”. Let’s think about that for a moment. One billion dollars could potentially be saved per year. This number only applies of course to businesses that generate … Read more

Top 6 Ways to Minimize Your Study Loan Debt

Without student loans, enrolling in a course would be a nightmare. But even with enough money to fund a four-year degree course, many questions such as the following come to mind: Do you have a student loan debt repayment strategy or you need writing help with drafting one? At what interest will you be repaying college student loan debt and how will it affect your quality of life? Well, given that most loans for higher education start accruing interest soon after graduating, a repayment plan is something you should draft beforehand for a stress-free life. You don’t want to end up spending more than half of your salary every month or business revenue on servicing education loans. Your first job … Read more

5 Mistakes to Avoid When Filing Insurance Claims

Most people have different types of insurance to offer protection from financial loss. There will come a time when you’ll need your insurance, and while this sounds simple, dealing with an insurance provider can get frustrating. Plus, the stress of the situation can cause you to make mistakes. Everyone makes mistakes, but when they are related to insurance, they can have a huge impact on your claim. The most common mistakes people make when filing insurance claims include: Failure to Notify Your Insurer Immediately When an accident occurs that requires you to file a claim, it’s imperative to do so as fast as possible. Claims rely on physical evidence and possible witnesses. Your insurance provider will want to assess the … Read more

8 Quick Tips on Making Money Fast

Get rich quick schemes rarely work, but if you know the right methods, there are plenty of ways you can make fast money. Whether you are looking to make more money to put into savings, or need help making this month’s rent, you have options. If you want to know how to make money fast, you’ll be glad you found this blog. Keep reading to learn 8 different ways you can make money quickly without having to pick up another job. 1. Test Websites Do you know a thing or two about website design? Are you interested in making the online world better for everyone? If so, become a website tester. As a website tester, you’re responsible for providing feedback … Read more

Bicycle Accident Lawsuits in Atlanta

In a bicycle accident, it’s difficult to determine who is at fault. There are several parties who may have exhibited negligent behavior such as the driver, the construction company who laid the pavement, the city worker who failed to put up the appropriate traffic signage, and many others. Fault requires a careful examination of the scene of the accident. All of the parties involved will have their individual responsibility evaluated in addition to the traffic control systems in place and the surface of the roadway. Who Can File a Bicycle Accident Lawsuit in Atlanta? Anyone injured while riding a bicycle or anyone who has a family member killed because of someone else’s negligence may file a lawsuit after a bicycle … Read more