5 Ways to Survive a Personal Financial Emergency?

A personal financial emergency can happen to anyone. Any number of things could blindside you. You may lose your job unexpectedly. You may have a medical emergency. Or you may need to take care of an emergency home repair. Although you may be earning the money you need to take care of these expenses, your paycheck may still be a few days away. And even if you do happen to have the money in your bank account, you may not be able to use it because you still need to keep the lights on, still need gas in your car, and still need food on the table. Meanwhile, these expenses have to be paid right away. So, what should you … Read more

Storage of Bitcoin Roth IRAs

How Secure Are Transactions Done Through Bitcoins?

You may have heard by now that it has been acceptable to invest in cryptocurrencies since 2014. That is when the IRS determined that they should be seen as a type of personal asset. As a result, it also became possible to add these cryptocurrencies to individual retirement accounts comma although to date this is only possible in self-directed accounts. You can choose between bitcoin Roth IRA’s and bitcoin traditional IRA’s however. The difference in this lies in whether you will be paying tax on deposits or withdrawals respectively. Regardless thereof, because bitcoin is an intangible asset, a lot of people are confused about where theirs will be stored and storing Bitcoin. Storing Bitcoin Roth IRAs In order for you … Read more

Using a Mortgage Broker – Tips and Hints

Getting a mortgage can be a daunting experience, especially due to all the paperwork and the large amounts of money at stake. Using a mortgage broker can help lessen the stressful process of applying for a mortgage. A mortgage broker will offer expert advice and can certainly save you time and effort. There are several questions, concerns, and uncertainties that come with meeting a mortgage broker, especially if it’s your first experience. Therefore, here are a few tips and hints for when using a mortgage broker. Be prepared to be exposed to several options Most aspiring homeowners prefer working with mortgage brokers rather than the lenders since brokers offer several home loans options. Brokers work with a wide variety of … Read more

Quick Tips on How to Get Rid of the Debt Problems

Escape the Weight of Your Crushing Debt

It’s better to deal with your debt problems from their early stages, as they should not be considered *just* a finance problem. These problems can suck the life out of you and infiltrate in all of the aspects of your life. There are lots of solutions, of which we’ve written here. We hope you’ll find your way out of your debts with this article. Do you actually have debt problems? Two known ways to get out of debt are known, and they depend whether you are in an actual crisis or not. So first, you need to know if this is a crisis. Ask yourself if you’re struggling to pay the necessary bills – mortgage, energy bills, and rent and … Read more

OVLG: Save big on your debts, protect your rights and reputation

Oak View Law Group (OVLG) is a leading law firm in the US providing debt reduction services at affordable fees. Apart from the debt relief services, this CA registered law firm also offers various kinds of financial legal services for protecting the rights and reputation of consumers. Oak View Law Group helps to settle unsecured debts (payday loans, medical bills, credit card bills, utility bills, charged-off accounts, collection accounts) at low fees. This FTC compliant law firm charges a success fee of 15% on the total debt enrolled, which is less than what other debt relief firms are demanding nowadays. You have to pay a $50 monthly consultancy fee but that is adjusted with the success fee at the end … Read more

Should I Invest in Stocks or ETFs?

Does Dollar Cost Averaging Really Work?

Whether you are a seasoned investor or someone just looking to get their feet wet, one of the biggest decisions in the investment industry today is whether or not to invest in stocks or move towards an ETF. Of course, there are a plethora of investment methods and these two aren’t the be-all-end-all, but they are definitely the most popular. Mutual funds, for good reason, are losing popularity and ETFs and DIY stock investors are increasing every single day. I’m going to explain what exactly a stock is, and what exactly an ETF is, plus some pros and cons to investing in stocks and ETFs. I really hope it brings some clarity to a very frequently occurring question that most … Read more